About This File
Esurient's RTX Patch
Included: Custom Compile DXVK | Custom Steam Overlay API | Custom Nvidia Inspector Profile (NIP)
DXVK Compile Version: 1.8.1
This archive includes an up to date version of DXVK (at the time of posting) which has been tested with and without the custom Nvidia inspector profile. DXVK has been compiled from the GitHub source but optimised/altered to work better with TDU2 in terms of offering stability, this is also the aim of the custom Nvidia inspector profile as well as any other items which may be included in this thread, now included Steam Overlay Patch for RTX!
What's Included
Included in the archive are four folders, "nip Profile - Run Application", "DLLs - Paste Into TestDriveUnlimited2", "Disable Full Screen Optimisation" and "4GB Patch - Select TestDrive2.exe"
(Note: If you are afraid to run this exe, you can download it yourself via Google or use VirusTotal to scan the Archive)
- Text
- Video
Note: Performance may vary on different systems, modifications were tested on a 2070 Super.
Edited by Esurient
Full Overhaul Files/Post + Added Video Guide!
What's New in Version 2.0
- Performance Optimisation, Thoroughly Tested (Recommend 4GB Patch For Online)
- Photo Mode Optimisation (50/50: May Crash on Some Systems During First Photo, or Not)
- Fullscreen Optimisation (.reg now includes Atari install location)
- 4GB Patch (Included with Archive)
- Nvidia Inspector Profile (Further Stability & Sampling Increased)
- Steam Overlay Fixed for RTX!
- Archive now also includes a Version.txt file with each file details.
Other Changes:
- Archive Naming Scheme Updated.
- Post Overhaul.
- Video tutorial.