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Are you still sideways?

Nice,very very nice.I'll give you rep for that daytona smoke(:thumbsup:),can't wait to see more!


Oh yeah,some questions:

Q1:Where did you get rims on S3

Q2:Where did you get Civic Si,i didn't saw it(maybe I just miss it)


And at last,there is no R500,only R260;)

Are you still sideways?

Nice,very very nice.I'll give you rep for that daytona smoke(:thumbsup:),can't wait to see more!


Oh yeah,some questions:

Q1:Where did you get rims on S3

Q2:Where did you get Civic Si,i didn't saw it(maybe I just miss it)


And at last,there is no R500,only R260;)


Hell yeah man, the Daytona is also tail-happy, it's awesome to drive.. :D

Thanks for the rep.. ;)

A1: I got them from Yahoo-EU a.k.a. Maximal's Wheel pack, it's somewhere around here;

A2: The Civic is T3hReaper's conversion, lemme see..

*went looking for links, will be back with the links* :cool:


EDIT: Here's the link for the wheel pack, gonna be back in a few minutes with the link for the Civic.. ;)

EDIT2: Found the thread for the Civic.. ;) Here it is.. ;)

Enjoy.. ;)


Oh, and about the Caterham, yeah, I realized that, there is only R260 in TDU, but I was looking at some R500's on the Web and accidentally wrote R500.. :o ;)


*a clip of Gumball Rally from 1976 when the Daytona storms through the empty city comes to my mind*

I recently watched Gumball Rally from 1976, and I liked the Daytona a lot. So, after that, start Google Chrome, homepage forum.tdu-central.com, look for Daytona, YES, found it, Dled, started the engine, smoke behind me and wind in the hair.. ;)

Here are the pics.. ;)

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I put them here as thumbnails, because there are a lot of pics.. Please tell me if you want them BIG as it was so far.. ;)

Enjoy and comment!


EDIT: Oh, and a preview of a car I just downloaded, I yet have to adjust everything, but I took a photo to see what's coming up.. ;)

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Shta je najbolje, auto mi spada u omiljene, a slike su josh bolje, svaka chast imenjache :)

The car is one of my fav's, but the pics are even better, great job!


Hvala, hvala.. ;) Dejtona je apsolutno prelep auto, a tek zvuk.. :nuts:


Thanks.. ;) The Daytona is absolutely beautiful car, and the sound is.. :nuts:

Please provide an English translation on all posts where you use a different language. Thanks.


He will (I hope) ;)

Care to join us on commenting the Daytona pics? ;)


Serbian: Apsolutno se slazhem, si gledao Poroke Majamija (Miami Vice)?

Tu ti se pojavljuje Daytona, mada kao replika (preradjena Corvett-a)

English: I absolutely agree. Have you watched Miami Vice?

The Daytona, although it's a modified Corvette, appears in it..


E, nisam gledao, mada sam cuo da je opasno dobra.. ;)

I haven't watched it, though I heard it is amazing.. ;)


e, al problem je shto mozhesh da gledash otpr 54 minuta dnevno=1 epizoda.

Inache odreshi kesu :D


The problem is that you can only watch 54 min. otherwise you have to pay...:D

e, al problem je shto mozhesh da gledash otpr 54 minuta dnevno=1 epizoda.

Inache odreshi kesu :D


The problem is that you can only watch 54 min. otherwise you have to pay...:D


Thanks for the heads up! ;)


Here is a preview of a car for next photo session.. ;)

I still have problems with the seatbelt sticking out of the car, but I think I will overcome that.. ;)

It will feature Yahoo_EU's OZ Paladio rims, a bit customized by me.. ;)

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You too? Well, what you can do, royal name.. ;)

And about the Swift, I made some pics, but I might not be able to upload them neither this night or tomorrow, maybe from Monday on, as I have a lot of obligations for my university..

But, it will be there, sometime in the near future.. ;)

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