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Recently it has started to feel like my 360 is dying, again. Obviously 360's dying is far from uncommon, however I wanted to ask around here to see if anyone was noticing what I have been.


My 360 had been performing fine up until I got TDU2, since then it has become sluggish when opening and closing the guide, if I attempt to invite people to my party or into my session the guide freezes for 10-15 seconds and removes me from the party I was in and sometimes leads to a disconnection from Xbox Live.


Now I was quite routinely putting this down to the 360 just being a useless white box designed by clowns until my brother mentioned to me the other day that since he'd been playing TDU2 his Xbox was taking an age to perform even the simplest tasks, such as launching games, opening messages etc.


This morning I heard some.. chav, for want of a better term, running his mouth in a game server going on and on about Xbox lag and how it; "even happens on Black Ops now". With all this in mind I just wanted to see if anyone else here had noticed their 360's starting to feel the strain.


Dunno about the 360, but our PS3 is lagging like hell on TDU2... But that's game only, the XMB and whatnot are fine as far as I can see...


A game shouldn't make a difference to what the actual performance of the dashboard should be like, unless it modifies some files... Which I'm pretty sure Microsoft don't allow...


Overused the memory or something along them lines?


Hm.. not sure, just feels like the strain of actually running the game has worn it down somehow, I know that makes no technical sense but yeah... I should have mentioned we both run the game off our HDD's. Mine has a good 50~GB free.. :/


Yeah, I get the same issues, but it only happens on TDU until recently I've noticed it on Blur but not Call of Duty yet.


I have also noticed how my controllers and mics seem to have issues if I'm in a party, lots of static and whatnot, so if there is an issue with the controller, it seems to be more apparent in TDU


For some odd reason TDU2 has been running flawlessly on my 360 since I got it bar from a single crash. What makes it odd is that TDU1 lagged quite badly in most places, even offline. Mine is installed.


Although my dad has been having a lot of problems with it continuously crashing on him after about 30 minutes of gametime. This is with it installed and not installed. It plays other games perfectly fine though.

i think the most logical conclusion is that this game is cursed.


Agreed :p


But on a serious note I've had problems with the game too especially in populated servers my Xbox lags when I drive fast and also when I was a passenger in a mates Veyron it could keep up :(

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