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I used to have a crappy laptop, which was free so...no complaints, with a pentium dual core 1.86ghz, 3GB ram, ati 3470 256mb, and i still played FS2004 with PMDG 737NG with good 25FPS with everything mid low with aircraft maxed out, and maybe 19FPS with PMDG 747.

Now on my current computer i can get with everything maxed out on FSX, with aerosoft lisbon scenery, and pmdg 747X virtual cockpit, rex 2.0 overdrive, around 25FPS, on the virtual cockpit and on that HEAVY scenery, and maybe 20FPS with the 737NGX.

On default sceneries, 10-15 more FPS's.

Thanks for commenting =)


trust me broseph , there is no pc powerful enough yet to run fsx on full settings with add-ons above 25 fps. Well there used to be when i7 980x was on sale . I don't know maybe it's back up there.


i paused at 00:05 and i was like, Im going to post a comment and +rep that guy just for using the 737NGX (yea at 0:05 i reconned the sounds of it :P )

Anyways added to the front page!

nice video!

  • 2 weeks later...

nice vid, I advice you to use the ezdoc camera for the g-force effects it is worth the price definitely. And for landing, I always take out the autopilot as late as possible so I don't loose control over the wind while landing.


Ezdoc sucks if you dont have trackir xD, which i dont

and mate^^ Madeira RW05 App is one of the worldest hardest for a reason

its a VORDME Visual approach

first stage VORDME, final is visual, with a visual turn

no precision approach available for runway05

and 99% of the times its runway 05 at madeira due to winds, which are always a lot, with windshear, and turbulence.

its very very very hard to get a smooth landing at runway 05 madeira =)

For a reason real pilots need special training to be able to fly to madeira :P

check charts for 05 VORDME approach to madeira :P


looooool thats flattering to read :P

Easy to become as good as me or even better, if ur not yet :P

im not a real pilot, although i intend to xD

I had a lot of help throughout these FS years ;)

Nothing can be achieved for one alone :P

btw landing there a 737 is quite easy if you dont follow the correct approach to RW05

you can do a HUUUGEEE circle around it and land safely and easy although in reality that would not be permitted

Check the charts to it, there are good ones, to see how the VOR App to RW 05 is made =)


I see what you did there :lol:

+rep xD if i can xD

anyways chritics part:^^

the vids were great, and ur TONS better than what i was when i started out using PMDG around 2 years ago on FS2004.

Something weird, you only had 2 PAPI lights at porto airport, and porto airport has the 4 inline lights--> PAPI

You were quite high on your final approach, and i noticed on your N/D you were doing direct FMS route into the runway, tsk tsk :P Well you could say it was visual, xD but you could have done a VOR Approach,

nonetheless great vids =) Enjoyed the fact you flew that route ehehe^^ I really hope this doesnt demotivate you, because the intention is to motivate you ;D because believe me, ur 100x better than what i was when i started out with PMDG lol^^ I added you on MSN btw ;) next time you fly, maybe tomorrow or so, i can do LPPR_APP on IvAO for you ;D

now you made me wanna do a cockpit landing view to porto on the 737, without using fsrecorder xD

Great vids mate ;D

Added to the front page!





nah critics always welcome, It was my first landing and I thought I'd better try app hold I didn't like it very much :P I've gone for vor35 in the fmc I think 17 has the circling before the final approach. And about the lights , I don't know much about it maybe it's some kind of a bug or fs recorder's fault , I remember it being 4 lights as well. I have exams + band rehearsal tomorrow we are playing 2 dates and 3 next month with 2 different bands so I can't find much time to fly :P Btw I didn't get your invite try it again.


Kk il send it again mate =)

Also, if you come from the south, runway 17 has Circle to land yea but you can also choose a STAR for it, but the runway you land depends of the wind, you cant randomly choose^^

When i do a VOR or ILS approach, despite having it on FMC, i never use LNAV for it, i always fly via VOR/ILS LOC with DME and charts^^

Anyways, as i said, they are nice videos =)

  • 4 weeks later...

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