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Guest MrLolololXD

Thanks :D


And the filters aren't the best :mhmm: Maybe I could edit it in later on in a photo editing software?

The sepia and B&W filters suck in FM4, don't use it. The Raptor one is sweeeeeeet.


It is how you apply it, I know some who can make it look very good.


Nice shots Harley!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MrLolololXD

PICCY TIME 6949983818_4d5f522dd6_t.jpg



S13 Drift by lololol_XD, on Flickr



S13 Drift 2 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



S13 Drift 3 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Cinque 1 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Cinque 2 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Frosty by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Frosty 2 by lololol_XD, on Flickr


And the BIGGIN


BMW V12 LMR Bigshot by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Try and guess who just discovered the ability to have focus points :D

Try and guess who just discovered the ability to have focus points :D

:mhmm: :hmmm: You did? :cheeky:, looks better indeed, but, you may be over-using it in some. anyways, much better then before!

Guest MrLolololXD

Thanks :D


---------- Post added at 14:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 14:07 PM ----------


MOAR PICCYS, hope you like them :)



EVO 6 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



EVO 6 4 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



EVO 6 2 by lololol_XD, on Flickr



Soarer Drift by lololol_XD, on Flickr


Warning, walking off cliff may cause you to fall down it, head-first.


Beware Of The Cliff! by lololol_XD, on Flickr


I guess someone lost a bet over who won the race :mhmm:


KNOCKOUT!!! by lololol_XD, on Flickr


And in my opinion, one of my best shots yet, which just so happens to be a bigshot :D


Supra Bigshot by lololol_XD, on Flickr



And as always, comments and feedback are much appreciated :)


If anybody wants any of my previous, or future, bigshots in their full, original size (because they need to be resized to be uploaded to Flickr), just ask, I still have them all and I can send them to you.

Guest MrLolololXD

Thanks :D I very much like it too lol

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MrLolololXD
Great shots. How do you and some others make them look so good!?


Thanks :D


Well it depends on what I want the photo to look like and whether I'm taking it on a day time or morning/evening track. But I always start out by re-setting the photo settings to default.


On bright colourful pics like those, I usually put the colour up to around 55-60, turn the exposure up to around 55-60, then I'll increase the contrast slightly to balance out the brightness the exposure did, to about 55-60. If I'm taking a 'moving' pic, I'll put the motion blur anywhere from about 5-15, but no higher, then depedning on how much I want to focus on the car instead of the background, set the aperture to 30 and focus on what would be the closest part of the car to the camera in real life, or on something you want to be the centre of attention.



On darker pics I tend to lower the colour saturation setting from anywhere between 20-40, maybe lower the exposure to about 45 and increase the contrast to about 50-65 and lower the brightness to between 45-50. I also sometimes add the sepia effect in small ammounts, usually 1-10. You can clearly see the differences between the 300C pics, which were both done with the ingame options.


The most important thing is to experiment with the photo settings to suit your own style/likings :) You can get some pretty funky effects if you play around with it :mhmm:


*gives 200 posts back*


:D :ty:

Guest MrLolololXD

Got it, Pinto on the way. I'll do a Pacer too :p

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MrLolololXD

Thanks :D


Also, is it weird that I was expecting a 599gto set? :confused:


Nope. That's the set I'm gonna upload (edit >) RIGHT NOW


---------- Post added at 12:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 PM ----------



Corner Ahead by MrLolololXD [Forza pics], on Flickr



599 GTO Side by MrLolololXD [Forza pics], on Flickr



599 GTO by MrLolololXD [Forza pics], on Flickr



B&W GTO by MrLolololXD [Forza pics], on Flickr

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