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TDUPE cars performance editing - need help


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Hey guys,

I am editing cars performance with TDUPE 2.77 but I am not perfect in it. I need help with performance, especially fast cars like Bugatti Veyron, Zenvo ST1, Lykan HyperSport etc.

my issue is I don't know how could I set their acceleration and top speed so that it fits or at least is similar to their real performance.

Everytime I raise top speed I obviously need to lower acceleration a bit. But... if I do this, car will accelerate super slowly (for example it will take for Zenvo ST1 5sec to accelerate 0-100) then it accelerate too fast on higher speeds (for example it only need 15,5sec to accelerate from 0-300).

Could somebody help me adjust settings so car will accelerate more properly? like 0-100: 3sec and 0-300: 20sec, ofc it can't be perfect, but I am sure it can be MUCH better than this.

Thanks for any advice :)

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Thanks for reply!

BTRQ? newest version is 0.5? I never knew about that program, does it also changes(edit) only DataBase files like TDUPE? or something else?

Also is there any tutorial how it works? because TBH I have no idea how should I adjust Torque/RPM ratio, also I don't even know from where can I get .btrq files of cars :D

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BNK File editor. Open the BNK in Euro/Bnk/Vehicules/, CTRL+A, Extract. In the vehicules folder there will be a folder created named like the BNK you extracted.


The BNK File editor is out since 2008 or so, so you can get it literally everywhere.

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It seems like changing those ratios doesn't have that big impact, completely different ratio set changed 0-100 time only by 0.2s and my point was to make acceleration of some cars 0-100 much faster :/ for example I need to change Zenvo ST1 acceleration from 4.5s to 3s, without changing acceleration at higher speed, is there any way?

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It seems like changing those ratios doesn't have that big impact, completely different ratio set changed 0-100 time only by 0.2s and my point was to make acceleration of some cars 0-100 much faster :/ for example I need to change Zenvo ST1 acceleration from 4.5s to 3s, without changing acceleration at higher speed, is there any way?

It doesn't indeed. For a couple of reasons.


1 - 0-100 time is really quick, and most cars reach it in 1st or 2nd gear, so, to get a massive change on the time by changing the gear ratio, you must make it reach 100 in 1st, or shift to 2nd, possible third really quick. But in this case with short gears, usually is better to make it lauch from 2nd.


2 - TDU gear ratio, only change the ratios indeed, even though you set a different final, it won't change the final. Final ratio in TDU is controlled by the value you set in "Top Speed", that is what really control your final gear.


3 - There are different ways to increase acceleration in TDU. Other than gear ratios, there is the acceleration value, which will increase acceleration in every gear, which you can balance out with Drag, if the top speed gets way higher. Another way to increase acceleration is by increasing the Grip value, but then you will increase the overall grip of a car. Even other way, which is grip related, is to change the weight balance, and add more weight to the traction wheels, if it's a RWD, throw the weight more to the back, which will result on having more grip at the rear. FWD works the other way around, more weight on front = more grip on front wheels and for last, but not least, you can mess with vehicle size values, increasing the front/rear overhang can make a weight shift aswell, so you can get more or less grip between front-rear, like you have by changing the weight balance itself.


Zenvo is a mid-engine car, so it might have something like 48% to 45% of it's weight on the front. To do that in TDU PE, you must set the % of the front weight. Values over 50 means the car is front-heavy. Like a FWD, for example.


Edit: Side effect might happen though with the weight change. If you don't balance it out properlly, your car might end showing a "drop" once you start moving.


Edit 2: Another way, is to edit the .btrq file, to make it have more/less power earlier.

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