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Grin116: Mercedes-Benz (124) E500 + new rims


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That 'some guy' is Extreme Flatulence (AKA: The Reaper)



Btw saying 'America sucks' is just bad, i also thinks on the forum counts as being racist? or whats the other word?.. I forget but i think thats not meant to be said on this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

progects??? O.o


Man this Mercs are from the years where they were really luxury, a good quality and wooden interior, complete gauges panel, and not these plastic sh*t of nowadays.

It needs its real interior... I just wish a S500 to the game, i don't like C-Klass, and in the way of Hummer, X5 and some random Monster Truck, the G-Klass AMG 500 is wellcome.

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Russia is simply the best!and i say it as a romanian...though my mother is russian..and Moscow is the second most expensive city in the world the number 1 is Sankt Petersburgh.../i am tierd of old american idiocrati...america is full of fat ppl brainless(sorry but thats the true)..America is dead../Russia will be the dominating power..in a few years..and this Murc just simbolize this..!Through i like more Bmw's i think some guy is making one...cant wait for that too



the two most expensive cities were in russia? i think it´s propaganda like in the "good old times" :lol:


i don´t see any possibilities for russia to be the next superstate.

china will do the race if they get more social about their own people, we´ll see ;)

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Guest SprintKing

well actualy russia is a superstate and will take the lead of the world in a short time..and i am a romanian who says that and is true..China is a lot more inferiour from every point for exemple...the care they apply to theyr ppl..and they are a very poor state (to inidividual)thats because of extreme OVERCOME POPULATION to much to sustain thats why they invade europe and chinize ppl take all the working places because ppl can hire them for a lower price../Originally Posted by electr0

I am so glad the project has been closed. Lets move on to cars that are worth making like newer cars :-D-Yes you are very insulting for the author and for me as well..you just sound like a 5 year old kid...have no respect for the classics..there are a lor of classic limos and old school cars that dezerve to be in this game and that ppl apreciate them very much for theyr classy stance

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  • 4 months later...



Grin those pics are so cool!

Only the Brabus 3.6 has a different wheel and texture!

However that is so cool!

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did anyone know the BRABUS of this mercedes? the americans call it "the hammer" but its many years ago :D


That Was AMG, Brabus produced their own rival to the Alpina B10 BiTurbo, but many people saw its original rival as the E500!

The AMG Hammer was one of AMG's first cars!

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nice car like always Grin:) Like the rims too.. Downloading now;)


It not released yet...may be later will be Beta.


(at 1st post old beta with CLK DTM interior)







[mod edit:] Please do not double post, use the edit button, thanks!

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