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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. pCARS 2 appears to be adding in what they couldn't last time and improving on the aspects that people asked to be. A lack of a livery editor is annoying but it's not a make or break issue for those who want a good solid racing game. 16-car grids are plenty adequate imo and if the videos showing the AI are anything to go by, should be a challenge for most. I would rather have fun fighting for the last point than breezing to the front and blasting away from everyone that too many games suffer from. The whole online racing ranking factor should if it works, result in some amazing times too and it is excellent to see a lot of racing games starting to include their own versions of this.
  2. A few days ago we implemented a notice to display to members who matched a specified criteria informing them about the Premium membership we have available. Through my own testing and checking I was sure it was good to go live on here, however I was alerted to the fact it was showing to those it shouldn't be and so I went and fixed that issue and thought that was it. But it wasn't, as when I checked through some of the server logs earlier today, I was surprised to see certain users following the link that is in it, and that should not have been happening. And so more testing was needed, and it turns out that what is written about how to go about controlling the display of the notices is missing some required information. :fp: Now anyone who does get it, should be... I hope! :para: And so I am sorry if you were already being a real gem by having Premium :hi5:, or to the new members who had only just joined and were being told you must 'enjoy it here' and thinking 'what the hell?!' :oook:. That's not how it was meant to go. :sorry:
  3. So is this bringing the game closer to what they sort of showed in their pre-release media but didn't end up fulfilling?
  4. Some real nice info in there. Damage and animated pit stops sound pretty good and the whole clean racing system should make for some awesome race videos.
  5. "Decent" in Gran Turismo terms is monumental, Dext. :lol: It's not something that should be accepted but it's a whole lot better than what has come before.
  6. New video from PlayStation Access showing a deeper look at Brand Central and what's on offer from the brands within them. I wonder how quickly a disable the 'car in motion' option will be asked for?
  7. The reason going about is simply that Toyota don't like their cars being modified. Now whether that came into effect before Turn 10 had done the deal or is because of something else is impossible to say unless it's revealed. It does seem a really weak reason, especially after the amount of time that has been, and through which has resulted in a number of their models becoming notorious as street-racing icons but hey, companies pull stupid stuff all the time.
  8. Nice shots @Beav and @F12Berlinetta. :cool: Not a big fan of that copper colour on the 720S though. :mhmm:
  9. With the updates that came to it didn't some of those sounds get better in cases? Think I read that somewhere.
  10. This sort of thinking perplexes me. A brand as big as Toyota is going to be seen in various lights and one of these is the whole street-racing thing. But at the same time the Corolla and Yaris are seen as good city cars for differing age groups. Then in the US you have the Camry which is like the ultimate highway car or something over there. I guess what I am trying to say is, I don't get how older people might look at a riced Supra and think Toyota is for kids when the same kids don't look at a sensible Corolla and think Toyota is for old boring people. Incidentally, I do believe a number of marketing personnel in automotive makers have lauded that their representation in games as being a core way of imprinting their name on what they hope will be their future customers. It is possible and if it turns out to be the case, I think I will be done with GT as exclusive licensing is something I cannot stand. Or maybe it's even worse than we thought and a YouTuber has exclusive rights?!!!!!!! :aah:
  11. @Dextcloud there are improvements in the sounds and they hired a former Forza sound-tech to help them with it. :) And yeah like the above says, they do record them but generally these recordings were never utilised well for some reason. :hmmm:
  12. Project CARS 2 – VR ‘Driver Eye’ Videos The media is pouring out from those who are lucky enough to be involved in the development of Project CARS 2 and YouTube user beetesjuice is one of the best I have found doing so through these ‘Driver Eye’ videos. Sharing with us the footage of the runs they have engaged in with their sim-racer enthusiast setup, complete with racing wheel and VR, we first see them fight hard to try and control a wild Lamborghini Diablo GTR against a hard-fighting AI opponent at Oulton Park. Being a massive Diablo fan it is only natural that this one would grab me and I might be showing bias because of that, however turn up your volume and just watch and you will see why I picked this one out first. Because as I am a big fan of touring cars and DTM – especially those in the 90s – it was a delight to find this next one, as it contains so many icons of the times and legends of the series that it just felt like watching some of those old races again. I could honestly fill this page up with these videos but I am going to restrain myself and only post a few. Last of which is this race with a Toyota GT-One at Daytona Road, where the main fight is amongst a Ferrari F50 GT trio. The AI appear more confident on this track than the driver we are watching but over the time of the race you can see the confidence rising, as the daylight fades. There’s even more of these on the beetesjuice channel which if you like what you see here, I highly recommend you go and check out. Project CARS 2 is out for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on September 22nd, 2017.
  13. Yeah their racing cars are better for me too, although I do enjoy the Celica and MR2 in the production sense. Also if this includes Lexus, then not having the LFA will be disappointing too.
  14. Well they did the whole Hot Wheels thing in Horizon. What's to stop them continuing with it?! :D
  15. Quite easily. It's called innovation. :p I get what you mean though. ;)
  16. I really do hope you're right but, I will go in expecting no and be pleasantly surprised if yes. :)
  17. Yeah sorry, just trying to keep topical stuff in their topics is all. Well there will be offline racing through the usual 'Arcade' option but as for a GT-esque typical campaign. That really does appear to be gone for what would normally have been known as License Tests.
  18. The actual campaign as it is headed in the game is what this and other reports seem to say. There is a 'Sport' heading that people are clinging on to in the hope that this is the real campaign but I wouldn't get too hopeful for that to be the case.
  19. Only now listening... almost 20 years later! Ah well, better late than never I guess. :cheeky: And I also don't like my vehicle to get banged up in games BUT I still want damage. I want to see the wounds of that race I just did, or my bumper on the next lap after some hard-fought racing with an opponent and to careen over the side of a cliff or barrel-roll down a steep embankment several times. Racing is sometimes carnage after all! :nuts:
  20. I now get what you meant even better than before, and to be fair, when I was talking about 'looking to their competitors' I wasn't meaning become a clone of them, but instead take inspiration from and take notice of what your own fans are calling for from them. To ignore that is only (imo) going to lose you some of those people, especially if you don't have anything to show as to the reason why you didn't bother to include or have a version of it in your own. Also, do you know what is going on with damage in GT Sport?
  21. I don't think it's YOLO at all. It's more 'we're GT and this is how we do things - take it or leave it'. If you respect them ignoring what their fans are asking for that they enjoy seeing in other games and wish for it to come to GT then I don't know what to say to that. Out of interest: what are the "true" GT fans asking for?
  22. [Mod note:] To stop this from veering off from it's topic I have split the posts that are talking about how you feel the Gran Turismo series is being handled, to a new one: Gran Turismo - Is Polyphony Digital/Kaz "arrogant" or "brave" with it?
  23. GT stagnated for ages, never really improving or adding what their fans wanted, but then Forza came around, and the bar was raised. Sure GT had the looks, the style and its photo mode but step back from that and it was still the same as it's always been. GT, PD and Kaz especially are arrogant in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I really admire the beauty and craft that goes into a Gran Turismo, but we're nearing the 20th anniversary of the series and it's only now slowly starting to embrace what its competitors have been doing for a while. I think Sony needs to rein PD and co in a bit personally. [Mod edit:] Topic created from split-off comments made in the Forza Motorsport 7 Will Not Have Toyota Production Cars!! -- Posts #1-4 are originally from that discussion.
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