None of my concern, if you are you are going to be a ******, I'm not going to stop you. I am smart enough to not post pictures of my bank balance or my house or whatnot on the internet.
I'm not trying to cover a loss. It's not a loss because I get something out of it. I payed $500 for a PS3, then gave it to my niece. I made no money out of it and don't have a console, but its still worth the $500 to know she's happy and for the thank you. With this model, if it turns out well, at least several people will thank me. The modelling is a complex job which is fantastic to get away from work (it's how TDUPE was born) and at the end of it all I have a wicked car to zip around in that I will probably never get to drive in real life. I'm not doing this to make money, I have no desire to make money from this. At all. None of you would pay it and I wouldn't make more than a few dollars back anyway.
And FYI, I spent much more on development of TDUPE - dunno if you've ever checked but Visual Studio doesn't exactly cost the same as a cup of coffee.
Indeed. While I haven't gotten any back on this model I do have used models of a Ferrari 458, Toyota Camry and a generic ute which are all suitable for TDU. I just liked this car a lot better than those.
+1. It doesn't bother me overally, but yes.
So in short terms. I just want an SSC in the game. The fact that I'm releasing it is just cause I'm nice.