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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. great ride! I love the look of that generation
  2. I'd suggest finding a mechanic who could work on a 92 gt-r first, there aren't that many in US. The japanese cars are reliable but gt-r's are not. If you were to import one you need someone to detail it overseas beforehand, it's 26 year old car and many are not looked after because people wouldn't keep them stock and so they're not serviced by nissan. It's a huge gamble so know what you're getting into before hand.
  3. picked up pcars2 recently, they've really changed the ffb, I'm loving it so far.
  4. had a chance to spend about an hour with the beta. Sad to say there isn't much improvement over the first game in terms of driving. The cars have a little more weight to them but they still have f1 level grip and overpowered brakes. The wheel support is exactly the same, no actual improvements there, almost zero feeling, the linearity feels awful and force feedback is laughable. It also still has the annoying features from the first game like the auto-brake and auto-rev match. It could've been a great game just like the first one but very disappointed to see they haven't spent any effort on improving the physics or the wheel support.I doubt it will improve post-launch, maybe gonna wait for a sale on this one.
  5. map size is the same as fh3, confirmed.
  6. @Soul Challenger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jwaSwkHOug congrats buddy, game is featured on NODE
  7. [ATTACH=full]31424[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]31425[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]31426[/ATTACH]
  8. [quote name='Ryzza5']Looks really nice, how about those trees, eh @insaneone ? My only skepticism is over the size of the map. I know they roll these out every two years and slowly get bigger and bigger but they really need to deliver something as large and intricate as TDU1 (>10 years later). More time will tell, hopefully before launch.[/QUOTE] I don't think that's gonna happen, forza audience doesn't really care about map size from what I can see on forums. If TC2 could deliver 1/10th of the driving experience of horizon it's gonna be my choice of weapon for sure.
  9. also apparently the map size is the same as fh3 as mentioned on twitch stream, maybe someone can confirm that
  10. I'm really surprised that they've taken some of the feedback from community with TDU style properties, actual driving roads(from what it looks like in the trailer) etc. I'm a bit skeptical about the seasons though. If it's anything like the dynamic weather in horizon games it's gonna get annoying really quick.
  11. welp it won't even give me a prompt to use the club points. It works with other games but not the crew.
  12. @RobikV3 it's ok thx for the inv anyways :duck: that's how the auto-brake was in the first game too, you couldn't crawl which made cruising/driving slow a nightmare.
  13. @RobikV3 just as I downloaded they've shut it off :fp: @Ryzza5 have you given it a go with the wheel? Also the most important question: does it have auto-brake again?
  14. :tup: [ATTACH=full]31345[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]31346[/ATTACH]
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