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Everything posted by Dux

  1. Mate, dont say sorry for delay, its not you obligation to release a mod ona specific day or i dunno what. Just take your time, make them good, and ofcourse after finishing important stuff in your life, this is like a side hobby. Dont get me wrong, please, just saying. We waited too long for some mods, but we understood that the moddr didnt had so much time free for modding, but in the end we got very good mod and enjoyed it, and still enjoying.
  2. Thats totaly ok mate, you should finish what you have started, and good luck with that. I have some "projects" started year and a half ago, never finished, lol. I just asked. Nah i dont want to request, i am just asking because my friend loves one AR and maybe if someone made it he would decide to play tdu with me again, lol.
  3. I hope you dont mind if i ask, not requesting, just asking, do you have some other Alfas in you plans ?
  4. NFSW closing is the best news i saw yesterday, i am very happy about that. World of speed ist even released yet. Others sucks, yes. So #TDUForever
  5. I know it says pCars Giveaways, just asked. :( And yeah i know its released and stuff, i just think it would be cool.
  6. bigbnks option checked it project paradise launcher ?
  7. . . . later that day . . . Thanks !
  8. Why not The Crew giveaway :(
  9. Both are great tbh. And afaik, TDUPE doesnt even have an option to set cockpit source, but in TDUMT it works flawlessly.
  10. Its actualy very nice for a change! :D I like the idea, and i like that car :D Belive it or not :D I drove it back then in GT4 for many races. And we need more "simple" cars for sure.
  11. Great! Whats next, when are you going to release next mod ? :P Just kidding, good job mate as always :thumbsup:
  12. This makes me to try modding again. Good job guys, keep up :nods:
  13. Or we need separate thread or chatbox for that to avoid "spamming" this thread. It would be nice.
  14. Thats sick. Name ? Thats one of those tech demos, right ?
  15. When you open TDUMT, click on "view" tab, then check "advanced" instead of basic which is checked by default. "Patches" option will appear in lower right corner in "Publish" box.
  16. I dont rally understand most of the stuff but here is a like for you :D By the way, about converting material, doesnt it apply to car models also ? And yet again we have car mods. Sorry for offtopic answer, just curious.
  17. COngrats Pator! Good job man on both fixing your mod and getting modder badge. I am yealous :$ :D Just kidding, enjoy :)
  18. Map from Far Cry 2 as an island and islands from Far Cry 3 :3 That would be bloody ubber awesome ^_^
  19. Good luck then, your start is very good. :) Just be patient and persistent and you will be good. Also playing around and practicing helps, believe me, i found some nice tricks that way. And its even easier now with bigbnks and stuff.
  20. As DriverTDU said, congrats on your first mod. Nice work! And good luck with future projects if you are going to continue making mods.
  21. Cleaning incoming :D By the way, i am not for the option of getting it over ebay, who know what you might get and is it usable anyway.
  22. Combat himself doesnt make any working doors but mods are awesome, so no, id doesnt really matter ! Some might say its bad if you dont have working doors, but just ignore them! ;) Let them have some mods with working doors, sitting around in garages and watch them open and close while we cruise around and enjoy :D
  23. This tutorial is great, no doubt. Shame i dont have enough time and patience to try it, but i respect your effort and work. We see some great tutos and tools this days for this great game. 8 years old, long after official devs abadoned it, people still work on it, thats one great community. You, Djey and others are doing some great work these days. You are bringing us new slots, Djey new tools, Combat made sure we will get some new modders :D
  24. I would really love to if i could, sounds very fun.
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