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Everything posted by iNotACactus

  1. Is that serious? A Jaaag, Quattroporte, 300SEL 6.3 and the 1995 M5?! :eek: :drool: What a way to send off the Season Pass buyers! :cheeese:
  2. If we use logic and reason the F458 and Scuderia should drive roughly the same but this is TDU2 so probably not. Personally I'd go for the F458. The interior is simply a nicer place to be than the Scuderia, the noise is probably more pleasant, and looks nicer than the Scuderia IMO.
  3. Great shots! Never thought the E60 M5 was anything special but those look amazing! :drool:
  4. Who says they are? With all these server maintenance tweets that are happening and not doing a thing to the servers being broken they could very well just have one PR guy sitting in a shed with a hamster-powered Apple Lisa occasionally saying that servers are being maintained. :cheeky:
  5. Why are we supposed to care? Not like the servers work outside of routine maintenance anyways. :lol:
  6. Herp. :lol: :gmc:

    1. Why am I not surprised? :lol:
    2. Dat sig. :drool2:

      1. Pr0 gets my vote here, something about that shot makes it simply stand out from the others. :hmmm:
      2. Personally I preferred Flower but meh. :phil:

        1. I wish I had the collectors edition or a PS3 version. :O
        2. I'd personally say the game as a whole looks better than FM4, MC:LA got the lighting bang on and the textures are amazing for the game's age. Great shots. :D
        3. Blargh, Monday, therefore Murphy's Law applied and everything was terrible. :yawn:
        4. That username. :bow:

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