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Everything posted by iNotACactus

  1. You sir win the Internet! :nods:

    1. You're welcome, going on GT5 right now to send it. :duck:

      1. :lol: Kay. :glomp:

        1. Great work on your GT5 photos, enjoy the free Maserati I'll be sending you tomorrow because I've gone over my gifting limit today. :cheeese:

          1. Sure you can! You just have to use your imagination... [IMG]

            1. I agree with everything after having driven the ST, however it's rather hideous. :leaves:
            2. I'm here for the baconstrips as per the usual, had to give some of mine away. :evil: Edit: Added you on PSN. :nuts:

              1. :nods: Y U DELETE MESSAGE BEFORE THAT???

                1. giP for me, love that RS2. :drool:
                2. Don't worry, I'm still arriving to crash..erm.. cruise with you guys. :duck:
                3. That car would have been nice had it been owned by someone with taste, those rims are awful. :imsick:
                4. Well, that's a massive load of crap, might be just the thing I need to justify selling my PS3 to get a decent computer for gaming and stuff. :sulk:
                5. I was looking at one of those in the GT5 used car dealer the other day, almost bought it. :lol: Great shots! :thumbsup:
                6. May I recommend the Hummer H1? :whistle: :leaves: Nice shots as usual. :drool2:
                7. Done and done. :D http://lmgtfy.com/?q=TDU2+Mods
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