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Everything posted by killalldude

  1. If they have the 1993 Chrysler Town and Country in their Van Class, my video game life will be complete!
  2. Well even if we did have 1000 cars that were crap, they would eventually be replaced by mods :p.
  3. I'm looking forward to the completed project!
  4. Lol niether do I. But then again I'm moparftw in TDU1 :p.
  5. Rofl. A few days ago I told a girl wearing a hat with those, erm, balls, something along those lines Sponge :lol:
  6. That explains it lol. Anyways I tried to reply to your PM but your inbox was full :p.
  7. That picture you posted in post 16 is stunning! I wish my water looked more aqua/teal-ish. I guess it's my brightness/contrast settings :p.
  8. I remember this concept car! It looks good with its top down.
  9. I am (especially at the G8!). Rolls Royce, Bentley, the big super luxuries should, I mean must, be in this game. no Lambo = FAIL no Maserati = FAIL no Rapide = well you know now no Jags... I could keep going on... Not enough SUVs, and no Jeep :ill: IMO - Not enough muscle cars, and why the hell are they bothering with throwing in the Charger when the new one is coming out in 2011!?!?! They should've just put the Chally instead. Why are their V6 versions of the Camaro? And what happened to the 'Vette and Viper? The 300C? tbh, I voted 'meh' because this game does have some great hyper/super/sports cars and a nice collection of cars from the 50-80k price range. I'm not thoroughly impressed by this list and I have a strong feeling that there must be more to it. If not, they've done a half-arsed job of getting this game together.
  10. The sky in the pic above is just: :omg: Oh yeah, and when I read the title of the thread, I was like :omg:. I've been wondering if the water was changable lol.
  11. Well you could copy and paste your 'Vehiclues' folder from your current version of TDU to someplace else (like the desktop), then uninstall/reinstall TDU, then simply delete (or better yet backup) the 'Vehiclues' folder and replace it with the one you copied from your old install. Then you'll have all your mods, and if you kept the backup car files, you could put back the original S4 files, then install the mod you were trying to install.
  12. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- I just thought the white lettering under the rear door was funny :lol: (I hope it's readable)
  13. If you guys think that's wierd I guess I'm insane in dumping (well I won't get into the deets) but $50k+ worth of stuff our 1993 Chrysler Town & Country into a modern luxury cruiser and make it handle and perform as a sports sedan :p.
  14. Voted hpluls. Looks pretty good with the top down :p.
  15. I made a tutorial of this just a few days ago :p:
  16. The Gallardo and that last Aston shot are superb!
  17. It was hard between Penfold, Sponge, and Queen, but in the end it was Queenie for me :).
  18. Good luck with this conversion Rev. Many of us are looking forward to this mod ;).
  19. :omg: The NFS Chally pic and the last Mustang shot are just epic!
  20. I was messing with this just now and it should be against the law for them to offer this car in beige!
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