Hi, I'd like to invite everyone into the Island Cruisers club for anyone for whom the timezone is OK
TimeZone: GMT+12
Event types: all kinds of cruises classic, sport, off-road exploring, opening roads, group searching for treasures/photo places, drift cruises, driving traffic rules or any group travelling events that you may offer
Platform: PS3
Language: English
This club is not necessary in the game. Its base is on the Facebook.
The aim of the club is a group of people who can easily find a company for travelling and mass event to take part in.
To join the club you can either:
like our Facebook page
or request to join our Facebook group
or leave a message for me on facebook and I'll invite you
If someone would like to join the ingame Island Cruisers club, please, let me know your nick (here or on facebook).
This is a PS3 extension of IgorTheDriver's Island Cruisers PC