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Everything posted by Who

  1. it's only a small (miniscule!) thing but the new advert bar up top could be slightly better placed, on my current screen/resolution (1024) the bar covers up the end of the wording (the time now is xx:xx [obscured]) and although it only says AM/PM it seems kinda untidy pic (google chrome/win XP)
  2. I'm siding with the BMW for this one, just seems more at home on a track
  3. Why is it that it reminds me of a dreamcast? seriously, the sqaureness of it, the finish, the rounded top and those big circular buttons? am i the only one?
  4. The size will be a massive bonus, the original is a monolith. still not getting one. i simply dont have £250 to spare with uni in a year, and the need for a new bass for my band which will also be ~£250
  5. Love it! the non protruding exhausts in the rear bumper are a little weird but otherwise, spot on
  6. i notice there's no links of the FRONT of the solstice, which has a grille that deeply offends my eyes, so i'll say Z4
  7. I thought that when ford made the probe as a successor to the capri they realised that FWD just isn't as appealing, atleast the original 'roc had its roots in FWD, so the successor wasnt loosing something
  8. 44/50 but that's still a pass IIRC. i think i got 46 in the real thing.
  9. arcade titles, if i may. TOTEMBALL. eww. so god awful Robotron 2042 - crap gameplay, impossible achievements, generally non-fun. just cause (360) was awful, they took what looked great on PS2 and kept it the same, the results were just ugly and the game was horrible mortal combat vs DC - shocking, extremely dumbed down and the characters have about 3 moves. mario & sonic at the olympic games - ewwww, naff! lazy cash in on the olympic games...
  10. the results for my Nat Diploma still haven't been updated but so far my modules seem to be averaging out at about merit
  11. 44% but that's ok, because i've passed my theory in a country where the laws make sence :D you're on a country road and your low beams stop working... who the &^$% cares? it's a country road at night, you should use your high beams anyway, and if a car comes put your sidelights on, stuff sitting at the side of a road sucking your thumb...
  12. *lots of swears* Noice Noice Noice 1,2,1,2,3,4 Noice, Noice, Noice Shmomoking weed shmoking wizz doing coke drinking beers Drinking beers beers beers rolling fatties smoking blunts who smokes the blunts? we smoke the blunts rolling blunts and smoking blunts... *let me get a nickle bag* 15 bucks little man put that ***& in my hand if that money doesnt show then you owe me, owe me, owe
  13. Yeah, i saw that, and was curious where the image came from, i clicked and got your firefox affiliation thing. incidentally, what's the link for that? my sig is doing nothing atm, so i'd link if it would help
  14. Volvo but i still wouldnt have either... going back to the Cobra/Caterham there's a great quote from TG mag about the R500 "The feeling of driving a Ferrari is like having your hand on the road, the feeling of driving a Caterham is like kneeling down and licking it" something like that anyway
  15. looks ridiculous to me. i have 1Gb on a 1.8ghz dual, and it can happily run Win7 and can run TDU pretty comfortably too. something that powerful is massive overkill. and people say a powermac is expensive!
  16. yay, oil change, the most fun and non-tedious experience in a racing game has returned, this will surely add to the game. :D good going polyphony it's a shame they didn't mention that fancy new feature where they let you extend the finishing point of a race for twice as long as it normally takes, allowing the competition to cruise by, whilst you enjoy going at your own pace without a care in the world, burning through your resources all the while. interesting: youtube output. that's about it... =/
  17. http://www.tdu-central.com coming soon(ish) :cheeky:
  18. Imagine if the guy had actually made it onto the road!
  19. Did you guys hear about that new Irish tap dancer? She was great until she fell into the sink.
  20. both great cars but my god the rims are a disgrace on them has the TVR chimera come up?
  21. they're built to order though are they not? when i said little above the G25 i meant that are in mass production...
  22. maybe the mustang would have been a better example? :p big meaty engine, but suspension from a horse and cart and a rear axle made from a girder. haha
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