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Everything posted by Who

  1. mantra for my whole highschool years =D best way to live is as a lazy sod +rep for that
  2. All the minis from the italian job =D (real one! not ball-ache american one) i'd have to have the A-Team van for the hell of it terminators harley from T2
  3. there's a great way to get the fancy 4 layer bog roll, it's called folding it over.... B very much for the win, definitely TOTW (topic of the week!) =D
  4. eurgh, read the news threads (can we trim this down too, please, all of this info is already in the news threads, and it's not needed in this thread, just takes up extra space.) TDU2 takes place on Oahu AND other locations, Eden are not that lazy. and read the rules about .Gifs they can be very big and bandwidth consuming, diablo doesn't like too many of them...
  5. i actually posted this before that section opened up, but threads in here have to be approved by a mod before they're shown (y)
  6. err... last game i have bought is lost and damned, which is technically a DLC. last disk games i got were FEAR and Condemned 2 back in January
  7. Rrecently we have been inundated with shed loads of info and pictures of TDU2, (VERY GRATEFUL BADNED!) so i suppose now the floodgates of TDU2 discussion will be opened and things can get quite messy, the news threads already have loads of interesting questions in them that are just being forgotten as new info goes into the same thread, and with this i feel it is about time that TDU2 gets it's own little section, and this is just with snippets of info from badned, imagine after E3... so yeah, does it sound like a good idea?
  8. Oahu is back? =D I don't care about where the other bits are, this is all i need to know =D Aslong as you can free roam as you can now i don't care about the rest. The interface looks seriously modern and sleek. Thank you Badned. My biggest criticism of Oahu was the masses of unused areas because there were no roads over them, with a new offroad engine the exploring opportunities are endless. mountain climbing will finally be fun rather than rev like a bugger, slide, hit invisible wall when it gets steep. (repeat infinitely). thank you badned, thank you atari edit: in the first post there is mention of manufacturers returning and some maybe not due to licensing, which ones do you think have jumped ship? on the map you can see: Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati which means Fiat is still happy to be onboard (Lancia Delta for TDU2? i can only dream) Saturn, which means GM are good with offroad (mention of Hummer also shows this) Volkswagen, Lamborghino and Audi... so we can have a VAG party Ford so errrr.... we can have fords? (ok Volvo and Lincoln at a desperate push...) Mercedes group... err... well, we can have some AMG lunacy Nissan is there, good times... we can have Infiniti too Lotus is there... so parent company proton is allright, we will probably see MV Augusta too (they're also owned by proton) Aston martin shows in various pictures and if you look at the map you can see... a McLaren F1 next to the lotus =D
  9. yeah, but the TDU trailer #1 was obviously a CGI sequence... definitely not game footage... the pictures in the first post are actual TDU2 shots... or at least images generated by a game engine (quite possibly TDU1's) and they clearly show fuel, weather and a top down. There's also the dirt track which will have been modeled, they're serious about this. I just hope they don't get ahead of themselves and make the game either crap or a duke nukem forever timescale development
  10. why get hydraulics when you can just firm up the suspension and try driving on the roads of Wrexham (particularly the damn horrid industrial estate!) the short wheelbase makes them bounce like a bizatch anyway! :p
  11. FANGKOO BADNED! Well, looking at how serious they are about offroad, i hope they do it trully properly! seriously nasty mud that bogs you down that you can actually get stuck in (I.e. mr gallardo gets stuck off the bat) Things like 4x4s breeze through muddy sections (at no more than 50mph!) Rally pedgree cars like Evos go full throttle spraying mud everywhere, little things like Audi A3s bumble through the muck but with skill can get through (think TG African challenge) and the lambo just buries itself... sounds gorgeous to me
  12. I don't want to be a downer... but i really don't care about the off road bit... in fact I'd hate it if that becomes the main focus. When I, and most the people i know, go on TDU, we go around the edge of the map on wide, lazy, open roads. The coast route is not challenging, and in the places it is people crash. Such as the right hander over the bridge north of the caddy dealer, where most people fly past and wake up just as they drive by. This is because on TDU people chill, they drive around in circles at their own pace, chat with friends, and enjoy cars. It's basically a version of Home that's actually fun. Car's take a back seat (no pun intended ;))so much that often people park up in diners and just chat. There's thousands of roads on TDU, but if you mapped the locations of where people drive the drag strip and the coast roads would be packed, the twisties in Tantalus would have 2 cars on it and a hell of a lot of skid marks and smoke. Yes, mental roads are fun, and there should be loads... but no-one appreciates the fine bits of tarmac up in the mountains to the north east of the island as it is... most people will forget about the mud right off the bat
  13. so you could say you're errr... giving up saving money on not having gym membership? :p
  14. maybe lent is an Anglican thing then, i don't think anyone else has pancake day today either (Shrove Tuesday) It is a christian tradition though, it is to do with the days when Jesus fasted in the desert... 40 days, excluding Sundays... it ends on holy Saturday, which this time around is the 11th April... so I'm definitely having a BBQ on the Monday after, as it is my Birthday =D
  15. I know that for various reasons, Lent is a time when people go without something in their lives. Post in this thread what you're going without, and maybe even why :D For lent, I will be giving up meat (with the exception of fish). This is due to the fact that I eat a ridiculously large amount of meat, particularly pork, in my daily life. My main motivation is proving a point I suppose, my friends all believe me to crumble under withdrawal, to the extent that I have some pretty hefty wagers on it now. A lesser motivation however is health. I have only had my bike for about a month but already I'm getting to be a lazy ass. During lent i will start canoeing again, and will probably be using a push bike for commuting again. I may even start swimming again. one of the main thing though is due best friend however, she has recently started a vegetarian diet and she has lost 5lb in the past 2 weeks, which is pretty nice to be honest (she has got such a great body *drool*) just to clarify... i'm not doing this out of religious reasoning, this time of year just happens to be the established time that people 'fast'. I see this the same way as i see christmas, i give presents because everyone else has established it as the time to give presents, not for baby jesus
  16. i played the trail for Baird actually, it's a really good arcade game, and it did actually get quite alot of awards... it's one of the most famous arcade titles... but it's not exactly like the arcade is very well publicized so the little gem went under the radar
  17. eurgh, ugly, ugly, ugly 1st post car.... million dollar one was almost as fug
  18. this looks mental, has Badned voyaged over from ForzaCentral yet? (i finally remember where i heard the name!) if these are years old how come they're only surfacing now?
  19. for the love of cheesecake don't 'chav it up' though... those heaps sound awful and look pathetic. good luck sorting it though!
  20. Right, anyone who has watched the movie Wayne's World (and anyone who hasn't, should) will be familiar with the AMC pacer in the movie, the mirthmobile... Anyway, there's a very similar car in the lost and damned, called the rhapsody (a reference to the opening sequence where they head bang to bohemian rhapsody) Recently discovered though, is a nice little treat on the dash... watch the video to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2SWgHIE_OA
  21. to be honest it's interesting, but i have little interest in it, no matter what the human race does it will not be able to stop the black hole. global warming is a concern cause things can and will be done, the LHC (shock horror, still hasn't blown us all up) is within our control too. astrophysics are a bit meh for me.
  22. I really like it, they decided to give the boot to the old headlights on the phantom, which i really hated. looks a bit bland now but it's still nice
  23. i laughed really hard when i saw it, was a really uncomfortable scene though, it was like.... oh god no! I'd love to see what jack Thomson makes of this. please, kill the fanbait... it's not like a graphic video of bill gates being blown by a fat shemale, it actually plays out like the scene in the simpsons movie where bart is skateboarding nude (where it's hidden in numerous ways, almost as if it is teasing you with how close it gets, then out of nowhere shows it in it's full glory) It's just a scene... It's not like seeing a guy's junk is any worse than the rest of the game (you know, shagging and killing hookers, killing people for cash, drug deals, horrific language....) go back to killzone 2 fanboi.
  24. one thing is pretty annoying about it though, if you go back to niko's campaign, the new cars, guns, bikes and music all disappear. these can only be accessed in johnny's saves, which is pretty weak as by the end of the campaign you only have one house, which is in Alderney. i hope R* fix this, as i was really disappointed when i tried to get a rhapsody (small, fun little hatch) in Niko's game to do some races...
  25. I have it and can definitely say it's 1600point price is justified, it satisfies my craving for rock, bikes and more missions perfectly and I've been enjoying it all day since about 10am... been a long time since i was so riveted to a game =D
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