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Everything posted by Who

  1. likewise, the 360 has been the biggest pain of all the consoles I have had. the 360 is the only console that will go back in its box when the replacement comes out, i have faith in the build quality of everything except it! my Atari 2600 (still working) is currently in a biscuit tin, sitting under about 10 of its own cartridges, my N64 is upside down in a shopping basket somewhere, the dreamcast is still hooked upto the TV... speaking of which, i was playing the other day, I yanked the controller, the DC fell from about 3 feet high, landed upside down, and not only did it survive, it didnt even crash! best build quality ever!
  2. yeah, its me that keeps going on about HVD, realistically though, that is a long way off, i think its summit stupid like £120 a disk and £10,000 for a player at the moment, well, it was in 2005 (working off memory, don't hate me if i am talking rubbish!) no idea of recent developments, HVD is on the market, in 300gb versions, but only industrially either way, you cant really bank on it happening, who needs multiple terrabytes, when this generation can live on 10 gigabytes (360's DVD9). PS3 disks are filled mainly by re-writing files and textures to compensate for the relatively slow read speeds on these early generation BD-drives. a fast reading BD-drive capable of a few hundred gigs will do fine for the next gen methinks
  3. i'm gonna say challenge stradale *drool* any fezzer though, i'd take the new cali! /want!
  4. get yahoo mellors :D you can chat with me and baldy
  5. Me, nipper and Amanda were just in a group MSN convo, and all our contacts all turned off at the same time like, mass drop-outs, thing is, no-one did go offline, i showed as offline to Amanda and nipper, they showed offline to me, etc. then Amanda d/ced, then me. anyone else just had a problem (happened about 10:30 GMT) also, anyone got yahoo, I'm epic bored and need someone to talk to!
  6. you can see when the image was lastupdated with google earth (atleast you can on mac) it shows a teleatlas © 2008 over my house, which means the image is this year, which seems about right as you can see our trampoline/camper
  7. mine is crashing quite a bit, with any luck it will RRoD before december this year, cause i got a launch xbox (w00t) and the 3 year warranty will be completely gone after
  8. woop, leopard indeed does have epic levels of win! randy, i'll PM you details of how to get hackintosh...
  9. this is general chat, not the bin. tone it down with teh fail/win stuff...
  10. Wasn't the AM crew at the nurburgring 24? the AMV8s dominated their class, less can be said for the DBRS9. http://www.topgear.com/blogs/motorsport/105-ring-24hr-4/
  11. i believe the civic hybrid we have over here is the american one actually, i seem to remember clarkson mentioning it... and yes, the wheels are fug.
  12. so glad that AM won their group :D although i must confess, that the C6R sounded AMAZING. ah well, the Aston won, in gulf colours aswell. top notch :D
  13. thanks for the link speedtouch, watching now :D +rep
  14. I'll take the euro one thanks, aslong as it is the Type-R, if it isnt it has the fugly perspex bit in the front.
  15. lol @ tWm's comment also lol at baldy and his Xbox three-fix-me ;)
  16. oh no, i gathered that the object dock was a vista app, surprised a carbon copy of the dock (the mac name) wasnt in vista from the start, it copied all the other features ;) finder =
  17. Why are there Mac 'finder' icons on RH's and Randy's Windows setups? :s *is confused* alsol, if you liek mac that much, it really is not that hard to run OSX on standard hardware, legally aswell. I do so at the moment, although my fug case is a crime against the apple sleekness
  18. chav does mean the steriotype of burberry/trackies, vauxhall nove, ASBO, criminal record, rubbish music, to be honest. most of the chavs that made my life hell in school were quite well off, they just wanted attention by being arseholes, the ones that actually were off a council estate, that wore hand me downs and were rough cause of how they were brought up were the most decent. The Council Housed And Violent (C.H.A.V) acronym was just something uninformed snobs came up with.
  19. lets hope he decides to headbutt it through next time
  20. isnt the veyron technically a GT? *goes back to corner* supercar to me is such a stupid term that is so subjective its just not really easy to put 'heres my favourite' cause someone will always argue the point 1. Caterham RS5 V8 its not a supercar, but at well over 1000bhp/ton are you gonna argue? 2. Caparo T1 3. Maserati MC12 4. Jaguar XJ220 5. Koenigsegg CCX
  21. OMG! was behind a McMerc SLR today, only time i have ever heard the sound of another car over the sound of my bike and its exhaust note of flatulence :p
  22. I LIKE! much nicer the the subooboo's blande styling
  23. sierra for me, i like the way it looks like it is about to eat you :p also, i have 2 sierra cossie scalextrics cars
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