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Everything posted by Who

  1. I only recently got my CBT and the roads sure are liberating. i'm doing lessons on a car soon too.
  2. Quite easy on mine, Its a honda cub, so all you have to do is hold thegear down lever, let the revs build up (it has an automatic clutch) then pop it into first, the ratio is enough to get it going, you just have to hold on tight :p
  3. not yet, according to IGN, driver 5 is called driver PS3, and is out Q3 this year... oh yeah, since parallel lines there was driver '76 on PSP, that sucked too :p other than that, theres been no news on the franchise since atari sold the rights, and the studio that develops it to ubisoft (i think that was on '06)
  4. didnt the rights to driver get sold? i think they went to thq, same as stuntman... Edit: nope, ubisoft
  5. indeed it is :D was planning on the whole black and green style of extreme retro but it has limited potential :P

    1. *kicks thread corpse* *watches flies come out* *lols* *does it again*
    2. Pimp My Polar Bear Diphallic Kangaroo (Diphallia, break the words down and you literally get 'two phallus' and yes it is A real condition) French Courage German Discretion Italian Manners *stops being nationalist :p*
    3. hahaha, i love quoting out of context :D the post is in the 'too late to apologise' thread :p
    4. Fist person crackdown... *raincheck*
    5. yeh, and could it be mentioned that mine and nipper's accounts are erm... broken...
    6. After the dismal failure that is GRID, its great to see a real racer this year on 360 :D might just have to dust off my wheel, which has been dust collecting since late april ;)
    7. unfortunately i havent got it but i loved RB6:V1 and if the second is as good i will be a happy guy!
    8. guess who may be trying to get brownie points off tomi ;) (the block footer has a slice logo too) very clever use of pink... i mean salmon there CMM ;)
    9. Who

      wow, makes me think of swimming baths for some reason XD

      1. Who


        1. how very pink... well, salmon ;) *waves*

          1. ello mate, will have to add you. :D will be good having you around (that way, i'm not the only one bearing the brunt of the welsh jokes ;) ) oj mate, welcome to the land of 360
          2. oh christ, well done, you've got him started now... lol it will be your GPU which fried, i had it with my old one before it died, almost the exact same thing leading up... (the red squares all over the screen aint supposed to be there) yeah, looking at the dates on the replay it was a LONG! time ago
          3. ive had mine for about a year and a half too, the first one (a launch box) RROD'd about april 2006, it took them till september for them to get their act together
          4. same boat as me then mate i've reverted to lwsbrck (no posts >.>) and nipper had the same thing, he is now nipperredcoat
          5. Who

            Hiya :-)

            no coincidence.... just dire taste :p
          6. well, in the same class i would take a TVR chimerea over a viper any day!
          7. i really like it :D looks swish!
          8. Who

            Hiya :-)

            oi! CMM stop stealin my pic!
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