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Everything posted by Who

  1. Audi R8 in chester :D it is seriously sexual in black! and for some reason i cnt upload pics >.> FF3 Beta 5 isnt working for uploading photos from iLife, Beta 4 did :( [edit] Uploaded to Flickr
  2. you play juiced every day? digging a hole friend, digging a hole :p
  3. The Original Mini Cooper is amazing looking, love it to bits (hence why i always win on the races around the 'ring on PGR4 ;) ) Caterham 7 Caparo T1
  4. dont challenge me in the battle of retro khevo! you will undoubtedly lose :p Kula Shaker are sexual! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHN6YXD6E98 Love this song but not so keen anymore since i got drunk at a party, and did something i'd rather not remember set to this music!
  5. Caterham Super 7 Good luck finding a game with it in AND damage ;)
  6. im using a CIBOX 22" love it, good for playing 360 through...
  7. nah, i prefer the names they have, cause they funny! cluckin bell and sprunk are best examples :p
  8. whilst it's irresponsible, would you want to be waiting in 5mph traffic in a massive car whilst terrorists target their spipers at your forehead?
  9. Who

    My first car!

    get marc down there to take some shots :p pretty cool car, would never dream of getting a saloon here as a first car though, the insurance is plain stupid, thats why im getting a bike! my mate has a austin-rover metro that cost him £200, the insurance came up to £1500... a METRO!
  10. you dont have to pay for opera i dont think. you used to, but i never paid for it for the few years i used it.
  11. i might give safari another go on mac, now im more familiar with the mac interface on the whole suppose i just was using FF cause i knew the ins and outs of the browser
  12. grrr, damn games. by the sounds it should be a flash game, hence mac compat!
  13. firefox 3 beta 4 here too. safari just didnt do it for me.
  14. would it be OK if i posted this on sl!ce? also, wasnt this thread locked?
  15. considering the wiimote has vibrating features, is anyone else worried that if a product like that hit the market, it wouldnt be used tor the pii game :o
  16. nope, he was saying that Oahu is 1500 sq KM, and if the next game was on an island, it would be an island that is also roughly 1500 sq KM. a guy came up with a list of similarly sized islands:
  17. wow, anyone with a 360 look at the 'inside xbox' thing lame attempt at april fools but kinda funny :p
  18. yeah, but seriously, do you think that by GT6 we will still be alive! GT games seem to take forever to develop, GT5 has been in the pipeline ages and there still isn't a definite date for it coming out, looking at the titles of articles on N4G (i never really read GT5 news) theres still a year or so to go. Handling looks good, I'd say forza still has it slightly, but not by miles. definitely an improvement over GT4 though! Graphics look amazing in screens but i dunno, when you see videos i dont seem to notice as much. The Interior view is pretty sweet though. sound is atrocious though, some cars sound like the worse cars on TDU, and the tire screech is extremely annoying. i dunno, GT5 will factor in whether i get a PS3 or not, but when £300 can buy me a years insurance on a motorbike, a console offering a very similar experience to a console i allready have, seems pretty useless. if PS3 is £150ish when GT5 comes out, the deal might be sweeter.
  19. no worries, didnt want members to touch on what is obviously a 'hot' subject
  20. Right, as diablo made a thread about (and under pressure from Atari, locked) TDU2 is officially in the works, but that's beside the point. May i draw your attention to a post made by a member of old on Atari forums by the name of 'Vibroboy' The thread, which can be found Here is regarding the location of Test Drive Unlimited 2. It is members trying to deduct the location of the next iteration of the series based on islands of similar size. When suddenly Vibroboy says: (posted: 07-09-2006, 11:15) His Post (#81) can be seen here Note that he says: 'Guess right'. this means that by september '06 the location had been set for definite, and obviously that TDU2 was at the very least in the research stage.. NB: Vibroboy was a developer of the original TDU and was a somewhat active member of the Atari community before the game launched. He was a source of valuable inside information, and an extremely respected member of the community. if memory seves he was lead design and if very foggy memory serves correctly he was responsible for road layout Unfortunately (as with many users) his profile has been deleted, and his post shows as a 'guest' post, and hence i cant link you to a list of his posts.
  21. awww, im not in the video... :( hang on, i found one with me in it... i'm the astra at 0:17 ;)
  22. we know TDU2 is in the pipeline allready dont we, i mean, vibroboy was whispering about the choice of island even before TDU1 came out and now i cant find his post cause MANY of the users have been deleted from the atari forums database, their posts now registering as ones of guests. Gaming_guy and Craigie22 being the biggest ones i noticed, but vibroboy is too AND NOW I CANT BLEEDING FIND VIBROBOY'S POSTS BECAUSE ALL HIS POSTS ARE 'GUEST' ONES AAAAAAAAAAAARGH *rips out hair*
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