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Everything posted by Who

  1. i have a k750i and honestly dont mind the picture quality. only problem is it doesnt much like the lighting at gigs >.>
  2. the eyetoy was, is, and will remain to be, absolute crap. image based motion tracking doesnt hold a candle to hardware based motion sensing. honestly, tell me totemball on the 360 is a good game, do it. didnt think so. the wii is a good thing for fun, and shouldnt ever be considered a main console. most of my friends have gone down the wii60 route, and play what the situation suits. multiplayer pointlessness on wii, with non-hardcore people (such as family, girlfriends, morons) and and avid gaming on the powerhouse.
  3. Samsungs are appauling caperas methings. some of the best i've seen have been off nokias
  4. hell, i'm in! the game does looks the dog's nuts, and playing as a cop has a strange kind of cool to it 8) thinking of it, do you guys think it would be cool if atari released a final carpack, that unlocked the cop cars you find in offline, to be driven by yourself online?
  5. Apparently you could feel it here in Wrexham my house is basically built on a sand tip. 5 feet underground and you get nothing but sand. the lack of solid ground probably dampened it out. i was even awake when it was 'happening' although i got absolutely nothing :( My GF (who lives on the other side of town about 2.5 miles away) felt it, cause her house actually has a decent foundation.
  6. loving my mash-ups right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75la7Cp6iMQ DJ Sunderland - Supermassive Mandy (The Spinto Band - Oh Mandy/Muse - Supermassive Black Hole) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn1z0vvB4iU The Legion of Doom - Crazy As She Goes (Gnarls Berkley - Crazy/The Recounters - Crazy As She Goes)
  7. MSN is dead for me, as is hotmail...
  8. wales is devoid of everything. the most spoerty dealer in wrexham is the suzuki one! :P Swifts FTW (in their defense, they're a bikes/car combined and they had a GSX600 the other day)
  9. Lwsbrck is basically my RL name with the vowels removed :p As for Crazed-dodgem... well, i used to have extremely awful internet (wanadoo) and used to lag like a complete biatch online. well, i was on LFS with a RL mate and an online friend, and they were taking the mick out of my lag/driving. Ray (online) was saying 'eff me, his lag is mad. he's jumping around like a crazed jack russel on hot coals (he's random like that :p) and tom (my RL mate) was saying 'be greatful, his driving style is reminicent of bloody dodgem's' I pute them together and came up with Crazed Dodgem (Y)
  10. well scotty, i think i may have found the root of your problem... your in scotland. scottish people and agro go hand in hand like tea and biscuits :p
  11. Lazy copy and paste from N4G post i suppose HD-DVD owners arent that boned. now that HD-DVD is no longer in the race, the HD-DVD devices will be going dirt cheap, including the burners for your PC. although it ultimately lost out to blu-ray, you shouldnt loose sight of the fact that it is still a stunning format, with disks offering about 6 times the storage of a regular DVD. stock up with plenty of disks and you'll be pretty sorted for all your storage needs. and whilst production of hardware may be stopping, the disks will probably be manufactured long after the 'death' of the product. for example, sega were producing GD-ROM disks (Dreamcast disk format) till last year (if memory serves correctly). this isnt as black and white as Beta vs VHS, this time around people can sustain the life of their products with their own content. i dont own either format, but i might get the 360 HDDVD drive when the retailers start selling them for about a fiver :p and then buy a cheapo HD-DVD burner for my comp. just cause the studios arent putting their films on HD-DVD doesnt mean i wont!
  12. i didnt much like it myself. has the wordsbattlefield all over it. havent gotten the multiplayer yet, but i did not like the single player. the controls felt really unresponsive and the game as a whole just annoyed me. i'll wait for bad company personally
  13. the porn industry statement was true sony (being quite far up their own anal cavity) decided porn was wrong and refused to give blu ray distribution licenses to porn studios. this has been resolved and such studios are now supporting blu
  14. the jump from DVD to High definition equivilents is not gonna be the same sort of mass shift as there was between VHS and DVD. the difference just isnt big enough. I mean, VHS took years to go, even though DVD was massively better picture, was much more durable, offered many more features, was cheaper to manufacture and the format had been around for ages (the 80's for crying out loud) and there was just need for a new format anyway. DVD to Blu-Ray will give us erm... a slightly better picture at a worse pricepoint. its still a disk that plays films at the end of the day. Compared to VHS's lifespan, DVD is much shorter. we dont need an upgrade yet i cant see the hardware distribution changing any time soon either. i mean, if a PC game/program was so big that it needed a Blu Ray disk then it would take about 4 hours to install... last i knew, High def formats were accounting for roughly 5% market share, so simply put 'big bloody whoop' anyway, who cares about blu-ray... the future is HVD 3.9 terrabyte disks ftw!
  15. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hkjkTe5kZE Pink Floyd - Money :D
  16. should have posted this last saturday, when i actually saw it, but i saw a DB7 Vantage, aswell as various bikes.... (pic 1 - Wartime Noton and wartime BSA) (pic 2 - various bikes, the end blue one was a triumph, the next one a yamaha, the next asuzuki and the last a kawasaki ninja if memory serves correctly)
  17. ah well, just another game that will be bought regardless of the rating ;) i cant particularly imagine GTA IV being much affected by the ratings change either, as 12 year olds will still be all over it like it like polish people over busses to wrexham
  18. i never really seem to get that mass bad repping myself. perhaps though it is because i have my gamer zone set to recretional. who knows, maybe that feature actually does something :p
  19. *sets drool glands to 'gush'* i bet they have an electricity bill and a half!
  20. i personally couldnt stop laughing at the medal of honour one as it is so true!
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