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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. Knew exactly what video it would be when I saw you'd posted in this thread :p Watched it this morning, it's a great video but as with the Alfa PurSang video he did a while ago, I'm not sure I agree with some of the things he says when labeling the PurSang vehicles. He tries to say it's not a replica when it without a doubt is a replica in my eyes, it's just that the word replica is usually associated with vehicles not worthy of the name and so when a suitable vehicle rolls up it's almost offensive to label it as such.
  2. Yup I agree. When you factor in how how sterile, minimalist, futuristic-looking and engineering focused both brands are, mixed with how much they hate 3rd party interference (they don't like you opening the engine hood of McLarens, Apple are notoriously closed off) then you do start to think it could be a match made in heaven. They can have Applied Technologies for all I care, a Jonathan Ive design with Mclaren Applied Technology engineering would be amazing. But I'd rather McLaren Automotive stayed independent of Apple.
  3. That means nothing to be honest, they could be saying that because the rumours might put other investments or upcoming deals in jeopardy. I'd rather Apple didn't buy McLaren though so that would be good news. It raises some questions though, the FT are a rather legitimate source so it wouldn't surprise me if there is some elements of truth to the story, whether it be Apple have approached a renown Automaker, or some other company has approached McLaren.
  4. Reports: Apple to purchase McLaren Technology Group? So, the internet is already flooded with Apple Mac/McLaren puns and jokes so I will save you the pain of having to read too many more. The Financial Times is running a story today stating that Apple has approached McLaren Technology Group with the intention of acquiring the luxury automobile manufacturer. The interesting thing here is that the Technology Group has 3 main subsidiaries: McLaren Applied Technologies: produces high-end next-gen items such as Mark Cavendish's Tour De France bicycle McLaren Automotive: This is the car manufacturer, producing the 570S, 650S, P1 and more. McLaren Racing Limited/McLaren Honda: This is the world famous Formula One team. So why would the Mac maker be buying the Mc racer? Image credit: Automobile Italia Flickr Apple's interest in venturing into the automobile sector has been widely reported for many years now, with an 'Apple Car' being supposedly in the works for coming up to 3-4 years with little to no details having been released about the project by the tech juggernaut as of September 2016. Apple has been poaching a team of auto engineers and designers throughout this period but the end goal of this project is not clear. Is Apple aiming to provide technology to underpin cars manufactured by other companies, or is it wanting to manufacturer and design its own vehicles? A possible coupling with McLaren might answer some of these questions. With the British based company owning an impressive amount of patents, being at the forefront of automobile technology and renown for its engineering practices Apple would be buying a brand with a strong reputation. What could this mean for McLaren? The potential consequences of this acquisition for McLaren could be small, or gigantic, it will come down to how ambitious Apple are being with their Apple Car project. If the project aims to be a mass-produced consumer product then this will be a sea change for McLaren who currently only manufacture thousands of vehicles per year, not the tens or hundreds of thousands Apple could potentially sell. The F1 team has been struggling to find a title sponsor for the cars for the past 2-3 seasons so could we soon see the fruit logo on the race track? Time will tell. Are these reports genuine? And if so, will we see Apple making a large investment in the company or attempt a full takeover? Post your thoughts in the comment section below or on the Forum. Image credit: Header image from Falcon Photography Flickr
  5. The Mclaren F1 team has never been the type to be desperate for money, and the car manufactuer side of the business seems to be growing very well and the products are amazing. Yes the company might be running a deficit at the moment but I don't think it is too concerning. I'm worried this acquisition might change what I like about the company at the moment.
  6. The Alleged CIA Agent Kurt Busch Dated And Reportedly Abused Now Allegedly Stole From Charity Just in case you needed a reminder of just how dull F1 is, this Nascar drama is rather interesting :snack:
  7. The new XC90 is stunning, the new V90 and S90 are stunning. But I think this tops them all, SO SO SO much want. The V90 Cross Country: pics from Auto Express | New and Used Car Reviews, News Advice I honestly don't know what more one could want from a car. Yesh plz.
  8. 10/10 The colourschemes on things like the GT3 RS 4.0 give a bit of a clue as to what model it is.
  9. Surprised no one had anything to say about that :shrug: Alfa Stelvio SUV spotted: Doesn't look very promising, looks rather dull tbh. Will have to see how it looks when it is properly unveiled :hmmm:
  10. Care to explain what happened? :p And wow that genuinely looks amazing value for money MADDOG. Make sure to sing its praise in as many places online so others know to do the same :nods:
  11. Less of a stone chip more of a stone quarry that :eek: What car is it on?
  12. Yeah I wouldn't go full-black unless you have a part time hobby in distributing narcotics around the netherlands :p (Possibly an easy job come to think about it).
  13. I hope they don't try and make him a scapegoat, people much higher up the food chain deserve fairly huge consequences for this and it wouldn't surprise me if the lower-down engineers get a lot of the blame.
  14. That DELICA really is rather cool, I've been in the back of a few when abroad (they're used as taxis a lot aren't they?) and they're pleasant places to be :nods:
  15. This thread needs a bit of a bump, don't have the energy to post everything that needs posting just yet but I think this needs a mention: Mclaren 650S replacement. YAAAAS this is more like it Mclaren. images from Jalopnik - Drive Free or Die This is much much much better than the cheesy grin on the 650S that just never really seemed to work, although it did look good on the 675LT. People in the comments still complaining about it looking identical to every other McLaren, i'm confused by their existence.
  16. You did 1/6 car pack weeks in this thread and the post is yours? :p :hmmm: k den
  17. This is good in that it gives them time to improve their product, but bad in that it rightfully allows gamers to have a higher expectation for the final game.
  18. Bit of a nerdy video here but I really enjoyed it, I do like Harry and have followed Richard (the detailer) on twitter for years now, he owns a Cayman R and knows all the Evo guys, Harris etc. Worth a follow as he details all the best cars for Concours etc and tweets pics of the process, constant auto pornography for your twitter timeline. They discuss it at the end of the video, and I have to agree, so impressive what that Countach has been through and how well used it is, for it to still look that amazing after a detail :nods:
  19. Here is a 34 min interview of Andy Wilman, who discusses in a fair bit of detail the end of old TG, the transition period, the new TGT, the future? It's long but it's entertaining, you can tell just why him and JC are friends from the sense of humour haha
  20. True but that image above seems to be one of the most miniscule facelift ever :hmmm: I do like the rims on that GTI though.
  21. Good list yet again :) Nice to see the 570S in a game, I wonder if the difference in power will be that noticeable between it and its siblings. Still no Porsche though :shrug: Are they saving them until last for one huge Porsche Pack or is this something this game deserves to be criticised for?
  22. I think I would go for the Nissan Leaf, depending on how long my commute was. I don't mind the looks, it looks comfortable and seems like a decent size. Not too expensive either.
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