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Everything posted by Mb

  1. Mb

    Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

    The official Group N/Group A cars have a gearstick/knob that looks the same. Definately! :p
  2. Mb

    Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

    http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/IMAG0758.jpg All the parts for the Quickshift are in. Ordering the Group N gear linkages soon.
  3. I'll give some details on this: - New front bumper for the Rallye (Original one without cracks) - Compbrake Quickshift - Richbrook Classic Bal gearknob - Drifting/anti slip lessons I bought the first 3 things myself, then Santa decided to give them to me and refund my money :lol:
  4. I can't find mine. Please enter a name longer than 3 characters to do a partial match on. :lol: Edit: I hackz0rz'd. Not to bad i guess :lol:
  5. Car parts :D And car parts make me a happy man :lol:
  6. So how is the Rally expension?
  7. My car has torque, your argrument is invalid. :duck:
  8. Mb

    Dan's Civic Coupe

    The shifter is nice! Knob looks good aswell. I ordered a knob for my short-shifter so i can finally put that in the Rallye. Civic is looking really good! I like it.
  9. Mb

    Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

    http://i791.photobucket.com/albums/yy194/MartijnMb/IMAG0736_2.jpg Random useless update.
  10. One of my favourite DJ's. :lol: E-Force.
  11. Could've been worse :lol:
  12. That's what happens with anything that get's posted to social medai. /care
  13. Mine is: @MartijnMb Keep in mind all my tweets are in Dutch and i tend to post a lot of crap.
  14. I thought the title said "Post your tits" :lol:
  15. This might offend people. So i'm just posting a link. It's pretty damn rude. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/543785_307662572679019_1083996540_n.jpg Still i had to laugh.
  16. Worst part of this is. He is like this in real life. :lol:
  17. I like the rally mods on cars stuff, but i don't feel like paying 20 for it.
  18. Mb

    Camels Mini

    20w50? Jeeez..
  19. Mb

    Camels Mini

    Did you put some petrol in the carbs?
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