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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Yea, the 8800/9800GT's are still decent cards which is really good looking at how old they are now.
  2. I'd buy/build a large swimming pool. Then fill it with newly printed £50 notes so I can go swimming. :panic: And if there is any left after that I'd sort my family and friends out. :p
  3. *hugecough*Ban*/hugecough* :cheeky:
  4. Probably the Lotus 2-Eleven for me, it's the nearest thing to an Elise and people who played Forza with me know how much I love them cars. :p Other than that though it'll probably be the Atom or Audi RS6.
  5. You shouldn't be able to notice any differences unless you intend on using a wheel then there may be a few extra options on the PC and PS3 versions. The PC version will also look much nicer if played on a powerful enough PC.
  6. So it's kinda like the time when I tried to ban myself, only to find that it worked and there was no one to unban me? :lol:
  7. TDUCk* Noob. :p
  8. :hello: :bunny:
  9. I think you can still get a refund for the amount of Gold days you haven't used. So you should get a near full refund, maybe minus a dollar or so.
  10. Done. It'd be so much easier if the usernames weren't linked and if I didn't have to sort the order out. :zzz:
  11. This is taking longer than I thought it would. >.<
  12. :bbb: I suppose I could do it... Or not. :hmmm:
  13. :welcome:
  14. Camel

    Nissan GT-R

    Please post requests in the request section. Thanks.
  15. Normal postal services usually don't run on weekends here.
  16. Haha. Maybe they're doing this on a weekend to get some orders, take peoples money and then change the status back to pre-order? :hmmm:
  17. Tough one today. Went for Bimmer though.
  18. I think someone asked him that last week and he said it would be working for the final version.
  19. I think they get fined £10,000 per copy. I wonder if they'll actually send copies out and if Atari will go after them. :lol:
  20. Glad you got it fixed easily! Now don't break it again or else. :evil: :p
  21. My 9 seconds is fast enough for me.. *sob* But then again that's fast enough for any 18 year old. Lol
  22. Thanks BobbyV. Updated.
  23. Cheers guys, updated first post.
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