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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Another point is that most of the land on TDU1 was taken up by mountains or very steep hills where you can't really put roads. Ibiza is more flat but it is still hilly. There is a larger surface area where you can actually put the roads. Having a smaller island with more roads is better than having a larger island with less roads. Well, that's my point of view anyway. So in my opinion, Ibiza is a better choice for an island.
  2. Ahh I remember the nights on PGR4 years ago when you were Eagle DK. :p Welcome back oldtimer. :)
  3. Hello there :hello:.
  4. Oooo, this is good news and the pictures look stunning. :drool:
  5. Just tried using that addon and it shows up the dimensions now but still no filesize. Lol Does it do the same on yours?

  6. Please stop the pointless arguing. If you don't have any information regarding the question in hand, then don't post. It will be deleted.
  7. That's not your reputation. It's your user title which can be changed here.
  8. Must be too much time using the muscles that are used to make "poopies" :lol: If anyone is reading this in a years time, I was referring to his avatar and not real "poopies".
  9. All of the threads are showing up for me fine. The forum could've been doing some auto maintenance or something.
  10. This is what I mean. Lol http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3871/56570679.png It's the same for all images from there, even after everything is loaded.

  11. Please wait till you meet the criteria for being allowed to post in the request section before you make a request on the forum. This is to stop all the people that join just to request something and then leave. Thanks.

  12. Because he hasn't asked for it to be moved. Well, not that I am aware of anyway. Moved.
  13. At least they have the game. And we exceed 500+ online just about everyday. Also at that, it's different people everyday. Not everyone is here for the mods. People join up who don't have the PC version but they don't get around to posting straight away, or they have more important things in their life to do and forget that they signed up. If some people just want mods and don't want to be a part of the community, then that's their loss and there's nothing we can do about it. Just don't let it bother you so much. No one forces you to look in the mod shop so it shouldn't bother you.
  14. I can sort of do that, a little bit blurry though. But I don't want to do it because with my luck, a muscle will snap or something around my eye and it'll get stuck. Lol
  15. Welcome to the forum, I hope you become a part of the community and not just a mod and run person. :p Don't be scared if some of us seem a bit crazy... because we are.
  16. Please don't post links to copyrighted material or suspicious files like that again. From the file names, they were either illegal or just viruses, trojans etc.
  17. No, you can't mod the Xbox 360 version of the game.
  18. Camel


    Hey there, enjoy your stay!
  19. Yea, but all the attributes show up as 0.

  20. You could also try this program out to delete the Radial.cbd file that can cause slowdowns and crashes. It's not in English but all you need to do is push the button at the top.
  21. And the countless amount of PMs I(maybe we) send out asking people to stop doing something or what not before they get infracted.
  22. I'll go and have a look at the thingies. E: We get 300 in less than 2 weeks now. There was a point last year when we were getting 300+ in less than a week. :eek: And it looks to be rising to that again slowly.
  23. Or your own for that matter. :p
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