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Everything posted by Camel

  1. No, you're a male and please don't double post.
  2. Requesting original game files is not allowed, please keep this in mind when you install mods. Always back up the original files. :locked:
  3. Here's my half made house -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. 6 foot is small :p And don't ask, I just felt like kicking an Apple. Because I can.
  5. We know what mikeh looks like now. *kicks apple*
  6. I'm a bit worried by Highline and his intentions of having you as a pet...
  7. All Pinked up.
  8. 9 dogs?!?! :eek: 1 dog is bad enough for me.
  9. Taz a.k.a. Fatlad -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Lulu a.k.a. Lube -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  10. Psssst, he used a premade house ;)
  11. I'll post the house that my GF made and I ruined later (A)
  12. >.< It fell over on me when I was walking up the hallway. My dad opened the bathroom door and it knocked it over. I spilt my drink too :(
  13. ++ Had a nice lay in -- Got attacked by my hoover +++ Spent 2 hours in town with the gf +++ Had lunch in town +++ Didn't have to pay for lunch :D
  14. Yep, you need 15 posts before you can have a signature.
  15. The GTS250 is just a renamed 9800GTX with 1GB memory.
  16. Well Ladies, Gentlemen and any other creatures we may have amongst us. It's that time again... What time do I hear you ask? Why it's 20:23:57 07/06/09. Anyway, enough of the formalities, I'd like to present to you the, erm, Cheesecake! Such a beauty isn't she? *waits for Baldred to pass me a note* *reads note* It appears that this is the thread for the April stats, hmm. *ahem* So without further ado, here are the stats for April...... 17,043 New cheesecake recipes 5,392 Bottles of cheese 7 five legged Goats And a second hand screwdriver Well that's enough of the soggy potatos, eggs and cornflakes for now. I'd better get it right this time otherwise the Squirrel Mafia will nibble my nuts :eek:. I can see them coming for me now :sulk:. 26,454,766 hits 110Gb Bandwidth 3,293,155 Pages Viewed 82,916 Unique Visitors 1,138 new members :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: Me, myself, I, Earl and the rest of the staff would like to say a Big Thankyou to all you new members, all you old members, all you strange members, all the lurkers and of course, the turnips for making these incredible stats possible. I'd also like to give a special mention to our number 1 failer! Come on, don't be shy Mike, get up here. We all know you are partly to blame... I mean thank for the recent influx of new members and Turnips. You have attracted so many people with your multiple failings each and every day. :nuts::lol::eek::cool::eek2: :chairfall::eek2: :cool::eek::lol::nuts: TDU-Central Staff
  17. Please follow the mod posting rules and procedures here, thanks. Otherwise the thread will be locked and links removed till the thread follows the rules.
  18. Cheeky bugger, wait till I get hold of you... :cheeky: Anywho, welcome there here there to the land of strange people (regular members) and the even stranger (people in blue). I'm sure you'll have a whale of a time.
  19. No need to be sorry *flaps* :)

  20. A request has already been made for this car. Please use the search function next time. Clicky :locked:
  21. Your posts have been deleted. It is a petty argument and is not needed. Anymore off-topic posts will be deleted.
  22. No need for two threads, please use the search function next time. :locked:
  23. Happy birthday old young man. I'll send this page to him.
  24. I won't be buying it either and yes, there are still quite a few regulars playing online.
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