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Everything posted by Ryzza5

  1. Just trying to do the maths (in the aussie dollar) FH3 Standard edition: $100. 350 cars. That's $0.29 per car. Except it's actually much lower because car licenses are only a %age of the development budget. FH3 Deluxe edition: additional $20. Additional 15 cars. That's $1.33 per car. Other items have a development cost (i.e. new events) but are relatively negligible. FH3 Ultimate edition: another additional $20. Additional 42 cars. That's $0.48 per car. There is no single fixed cost per car - some licenses are going to cost more than others (i.e. Ferrari + Lamborghini). So I guess the most expensive cars would be shoehorned into the Deluxe edition car packs. The only other factor is that a vehicle license cost might not depend on sales numbers. So if they're expecting only 50% of people who buy the game to buy the DLC, then they need to double the price of cars in DLC to make the same margin.
  2. Work asked me to pick someone up from the Airport, which annoyed me because I missed the 100,000kms event. I also wanted to list the car for sale before hitting 6 digits too.
  3. Please tell me where I can buy it for $60 :lol: If they're committing to a 2 year development cycle then they can only make the map so big. The Crew was 5-6 years.
  4. Well now that MS owns Minecraft I expect they'll name the Pc service after Emeralds :cheeky: Before you laugh, the major Windows 10 OS update was named Redstone. Ok you can laugh now. --- Post Updated --- btw it'll be interesting seeing how Murican players go with driving on the right (correct) side of the road in this... :lol:
  5. The only issue I had with episode 3 is that I couldn't remember what was in it not long after watching it. At least with the previous 2 I could remember they were about Reliants and SUVs in South Africa. Ep 3 left no impression on me at all, until I got the page in the survey where it reminded me about the R8 at Laguna Seca and... poop I've forgotten again.
  6. It's cheaper... but not cheap cheap, right? i.e more than an optioned up Audi S3.
  7. haha that's a very odd (squashed) map Something is not right here. By way of comparison GTA 5 is still sitting at $75 AUD on Steam. I don't think it's dropped much. afaik there are no alternate places to Windows 10 versions of Xbox games besides the Windows 10 store, which means they have a monopoly. What we have to work out is what the Ultimate edition actually gives a PC-only player if the "free" DLC packs are Xbox only.
  8. Ryzza5

    A Wafty Shed

    MeTM and Cal try to outdo each other with cars like Harley and I did with Speshul :lol:
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-JO61zNhhI If it's exactly 4x more powerful, then 960p x 4 isn't exactly 4k now, is it? :cheeky:
  10. At first I was impressed having seen the trailer in my YT subs. They seem to have included a good variety of the different landscapes here (seems more north-eastern besides the 12 apostles). Hopefully there's plenty of foresty twisties in their map. But having glanced over the text I'm quite genuinely excited now. And that's not a feeling I've had about an upcoming game in... ages! Let's hope they fine tune all those Win10 UWP issues asap and bring in some great wheel support (including wheels not supported in Xbox One). If they can do that I won''t even complain about paying the higher MS Store price.
  11. Really not having much luck with this. The first scene plays through smoothly then I get this: Tried rebooting and same result
  12. 2.1GB? This could take a while :cw: --- Post Updated --- Well that didn't work Downloaded the demo from the same mirror
  13. search for other 970 scores... new x70 usually matches the previous gen x80 as far as I can tell anyway. The 1070 is similar to the 980 isn't it?
  14. Shall we setup a new Minecraft server where you can grief to your hearts content? :lol:
  15. This channel is worth a sub if you like seeing all sorts of cars driven laid back He use binaural microphones so the sound is a treat if you wear headphones compared to speakers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeiBi8gptAwNoIHrZ3OUUbw
  16. Kinda hard to say no to this, although the centre console looks a bit drab
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