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Everything posted by GTAMADDOG

  1. Wayhay! 8800GT crew, y0. I was thinking about upgrading to an HD 5870. I did also look at GTX 470s and 480s but I can't justify the cost. No doubt they're probably brilliant cards, but I also need to factor in that my CPU will probably bottleneck whatever card I get quite a bit. Last time I went on GTA IV which was a few patches ago my 8800GT didn't mind a mixture of Medium/High details, somehow. The only issue I had with that game was that I don't have a quad core CPU. The old 8800GT hasn't done too bad at all with all these latest games and their stupid requirements.
  2. Nice photos, y0. Liking the second and third Challenger R/T photos.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWTqAaWskCo Bet you didn't expect that :p Kind of my mums fault really. If she hadn't listened to Michael Jackson and Prince all the time when I was a young lad I probably wouldn't listen to them and like their music.
  4. I think I'll definitely need a new graphics card by the time this game comes out if I want to see an interior like that..
  5. At the end of the day, the way I see it, is that both TDUC and the TDU2 forums have some... excitable members. This is understandable because of the reputation of the first game and the expectations of the second game. The way these members and their thoughts are controlled is the key issue. The Moderators here like to keep things tidy and in order so information is easily reached and obtainable. Unlike the TDU2 forums where, although there are a few threads for certain things such as a car wish list and so on, the forums are still not controlled in the same manner and people feel it's their right to clutter the forum up just to say "Oh hai guiz i wan teh Renault Laguna cuz i own 1 in rl" and nothing as far as I can tell has been done to combat this. I personally prefer the tidier layout to these forums and the way the Moderators and Administrators control things and that's why I use them over any other Test Drive Unlimited forum. I log on to these forums, scroll down to the Test Drive Unlimited 2 section and for once my memory remembers something ie. how many threads there were in that section the last time I checked, and I can pretty much be certain that if there is a new thread it will contain new information about the game with a descriptive thread title etc.
  6. I just checked out the second link and as someone in that thread said. Hardly any of it has anything to do with driving. If they were to produce a game like that it would be more like World of Lolcraft than Test Drive Unlimited. Seriously, people would spend more time doing things on that list rather than driving cars and I suspect quite a few people would be put off the game because it would hardly relate to what it's meant to be. Just keep the formula that everyone knows and loves.
  7. I've never used those forums. I've looked in the Car Wishlist thread once and laughed, haven't been on them since. TDUC is more than good enough for my Test Drive Unlimited needs.
  8. Released in Europe ten days after my birthday. I'm fine with that. Atleast I'll have some extra cash floating around at that point in time.
  9. Nice one. Plenty of information there. I made thread about my car on there the other day and made the mistake of putting our Golf GTI in one of the pictures. Typically they're more interested in the Golf than my car, lol.
  10. A Boeing 747 at 35,000 ft. Or, possibly a Charger..
  11. Meh.. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/Random/suscof.jpg
  12. I'll be upgrading to an HD 4890 or slightly better by the time the game comes out. I've had my eye on them for quite a while but I not had the money to buy one yet. Sorry 8800GT, old pal. But, this year is your final year. It's been good.
  13. If this car that is being bought is going to be for his mum in the long run surely the best thing to do would be to ask her what she wants from a car, besides it being an automatic, then come back to us with her preferences so we can make an informed choice for you. Get a car which your mum likes and grin and bare it until you get your own car, I wouldn't get her to make sacrifices. There are thousands of cars which can be had with an auto box. Does she want a hatch back, convertable or a saloon? Does she want a petrol or diesel engine? Does she want style, reliability or a mix? There are loads of questions to be asked. That's just my opinion, don't take it the wrong way but it seems like a suitable idea. To be fair, a brand new car can turn out to be even more unreliable than a used car. If you choose the right make, with a car which has a shed load of service history with all of the usual needs done the chances are it's going to be as good as one off the forcourt and you will get a better car for a better price.
  14. Learning German for two years still has it's uses, so it seems.
  15. Oh lawl. I got a vote :D
  16. I think I just clicked whatever system I have in both of the questions about gaming systems so I could end up with anything, lol. I just wanted to get my application in as soon as possible so I didn't really pay attemtion. As long as I don't end up with an Xbox Beta Invite then I'm not too bothered.
  17. Avensis. But seriously. I have no idea about the American car market. If you were getting a used vehicle I could probably suggest quite a few, but new car prices in America are something I have no idea about. The suggestions above seem quite decent, though.
  18. Typical that the applications start when I'm not at my computer for the first time that day. Oh well. I applied anyway.
  19. Now everyone knows the secret to my weirdness :p
  20. Mmmmm, cheddar. Shame the Caves never tasted like Cheddar when I went :/
  21. This. Mainly because they're the only motor-bikes I'm remotely interested in.
  22. Lol.. Seriously, though. I'm more of a hot-hatch type of person, super cars don't really interest me. I like cars which don't look very special but go like a bat out of Hell and give people in better cars a nasty suprise. Technically my favourite car should automatically be my own. But it isn't. It's one that my dad owns. The Fabia vRS. Yes, not the best badge in the world, not the best handling car, not the best looker and shock of all shocks it's a diesel. But she shifts and gives plenty of so-say 'faster' cars a nasty suprise. I especially love the one's which eat the latest breed of hot-hatches for breakfast. Oh how I hate Skoda for making the new one a petrol with a stupid paddle shifter and silly little 1.4 engine. Not that I'm that fond of the new shape Fabia in the first place. Then again, I also wouldn't mine a Ford Mustang or Impreza STI, but they're an entirely different dream.
  23. Well I've had that then. I haven't upgraded to a 'double heart' yet. :( *I'm aware they're just using another term for Dual-Core.
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