Depending on gumpert colour they change. Its a car standard, for example a red ferrari always seems to come in cream leather etc...
So with the gumpert depending on colour the wheel nut will change. :)
My thought's/Opinion on the trailer..
(This is 100% my thoughts and not just to piss people off, I am a TDU fan boy) :lol:
Environment: It's good to see ingame footage then crap computer GFX making it up. I have to say the lighting is good, however its not eye opening. The 2D grass and flat (Rotating texture) tree's still exist, however FPS is always a great thing to have then all 3D, saying that though it does look as though they have added more variations of trees and grass. The viewing distance has changed so no more pointy mountains.
Cars: Having existing smoke, tyre textures, brake textures and downgraded smoke effects, that is a bit worrying but as a fan for TDU it's still sticking to its roots of the orignal TDU1. From what I can tell a modders/converters point of view it looks as though they have reused the same Ford GT except touched it up with new textures or more high def?... Soft tops great! Wonder if they will do moving air vents. :p
Damage: 1 word... Pathetic. In the trailer it clearly shows that the cars are still stuck to the ground (No rolling over etc) In a part of the trailer you can see the CCX-R crashes into a traffic car, when it hits you can see it actually 'Spin' in the air like a N00b does on TDU1 with a CCR. Rear lights smash etc etc. Good for a effect but pointless, better hope I can turn it off in the final.
Houses/Garages: Seems to me there will be car wash's as cars are seen to get dirty. The garage's and house's details are really well done, thing that twist's my balls is that they reused showrooms from TDU1. (Thats right Oahu cars is back..)
Avatar/People: Seems to me they have gave them more animation and smoothness of their smiles. I remember TDU1 when a girl smiled it was really sharp they looked like some mutant.
OffRoading: Crap.. But more roads is always good even if dirt. Lets just hope they add a nice dirt bike.
Overall: 6/10
I will remain positive that it is a early build. I will buy it no matter how it turns out. I have a good passion for driving 'Stock' cars and love it, open world and a lot of other things is really what I am all about. :)