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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/Photo00832.jpg http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/Photo008u2.jpg Taken with my crappy Samsung phone :(
  2. Link removed basically for the above post. You must contact modders if you wish to modify their work, even if it's just a texture mod.
  3. Nice progress, Loz. Keep it up mate
  4. Open up the controls, and then assign a control to "Confirm" (Even if there is already one)
  5. no. You're thinking of formatting. Defragmenting is "moving files around to be contiguous" IE, faster to find.
  6. Depending on what OS you're on (Vista / 7 / XP etc..) You'll go to My Computer, then right click on the C:\ Drive. Then Click on Properties / Tools / Defragmentation. or the quick way is to go to the start menu and type in "disk defragmentor" (Vista & 7 only)
  7. I'm being distracted by 1 and a half things if you're thinking on that wavelength :p
  8. He already fixed it. That's why there's a [RESOLVED] tag...
  9. See Diab's post ;) Was for another forum, and I don't know how to do it, therefore I didn't post :p
  10. Everybody gets Version 1.45. Even if you were to go out and buy the game at your local game store. It's a feature Atari use for a mandatory update.
  11. Only Photoshopping was resizing and adjusting the brightness. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/20100731164618.jpg
  12. Sounds like the next "sector" isn't loading. Try defragmenting your computer. If all else fails, do a clean install, then try your mods again.
  13. Where did you get your TDU from? The main game, not the patch.
  14. Epic stuff. Well done, Alex. Lets hope this is your big break mate.
  15. All of that, just to get him on board? I wouldn't have thought it was worth it, to be honest. Check his status on this forum. Should soon come to light why I think that mightn't have been that good of a decision.
  16. Cruise control would be nice, but we all learn to just control our feet. It's more of a "meh" from me. If it's there, I may use it every so often, but I'm not going to winge if it ain't.
  17. It's more the fact that users are forced to register if they want to download anything. Nothing to do with the similarities with TDU:Central.
  18. Yeah the back is missing a lot and the model does look low poly Other than that. Epicness.
  19. We'll allow this thread to continue, but please do not flame anybody for any reason. Also, do not link to the said forum as it is against TDU:C regulations. Thanks
  20. Looks good. I wont start with my Alienware rants :p But Jazz will, once she's awoken.
  21. Saw a black Audi R8 Spyder today. Calster, We probably saw the same yellow jordan that you saw a while ago
  22. I'd say a 920 would be more than sufficient. OC it to 3.5 - 4Ghz and that's that sorted (You'll need a decent cooler though) GTX480 6Gb DDR3 1066mhz RAM Samsung Spinpoint F1's in RAID That should set you off on a max-crysis fest ;)
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