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Posts posted by TDUZoqqer

  1. Soo, my friend decied to sell his CGT some days ago (:sulk:), and because it was quite epic I thought to make it to TDU. Because, hell why not?






    It's on my list anyway, and it seems not to need as much work as the Huracan's. Thought I still would have a bit to do when I really decide to make it my next mod.

    Thx Rule! Though that was the sound by Skepsis :cheeky:


    Ah yeah, I want you guys to decide, what do you want me to make next? At the moment I got four WIP folders and just wondering what you want from me next.

    I could make the S63, although there is still a llllllot to do and it could take me forever.

    I could make a 599 GTO, it's pretty much done, and just need (quite a few..) little fixes to be done. Although Krut released one recently and I don't want to steal the show.

    I could make an Aventador SV. It's based on my stock Ave's, the Coupe is almost done, and the Roadster wouldn't take forever aswell as the main car is ready already. Although it would be another Lambo, and I know how tired you guys are from my Lambos.

    I could make the CGT. I can't promise to make a Mirage (it also would take me foreverrrrrr), but MAYBE I want to make it. Maybe not. So just keep the stock CGT in mind for now. I already made a CGT ages ago, but this one will be better, obviously.


    Or you guys want me to make something completely different. Check my list, if there's anything you want me to make now, catch me up, although when the others don't want it, I won't make it.


    So, let the mud fight begin. :twisted:

  2. this thread was created to help people share is work and some muppits think its cool to take cheap shots at someone who has done more for this forum than they could ever dream of

    Belive me, this muppets are like 40% of my mods, and I doubt I did less for TDU than some other modders.

  3. Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it! :)


    BTW: When anybody wonders why my mods take so long to finish - this is my current To-do list for the Huracan's. This is basicly the last 5% to make.



    If somebody is wondering: 6 exteriors, 4 interiors and 10 different rims. Now you know why I don't like to be rushed :cheeky: this is the reason I try to feed you with pics in the meanwhile! :D

  4. @Zoqqer so whats the correct alpha in zmodeler? because I just export to dxt5 from photoshop like u said and it was still the same way


    Make sure you have RGB, R, G, B and Alpha (black and white) channel in photoshop. Export as DXT5, Open DXTBmp and look if the alpha channel (upper right corner) is not fully black. Lets do this step by step, write if you did it. When the alpha channel is not full white, convert to 2db, because it will be transparent then. If it still isn't ingame, it's an material setting issue.

  5. Everything is looking really good so far man!, after looking at the S13 I noticed a few things, the firewall needs less shine so it matches the rest of the engine bay and more details like brake booster, brake and clutch master cylinders. etc, if you are going to leave the hood off, it looks a bit bare at the moment. The valve cover would look better with a bit more gloss, and the HKS texture on the intercooler is squashed. The last couple of things are just personal preference, I think it would look slightly better with a D-Max Trunk Wing rather than the rocket bunny style, and I would prefer the brick headlights over the projectors, and over fenders would top it off nicely.



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