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7 hours ago, Karnickel said:

@Aquarious That's exactly what I did. sent him am PM. Are you sure this is what's to be done? In my case I think my whole account "Karnickel" in TDUWorld is in an endless loop:

Register --> Activation --> Mail is not sent --> Profiles in account are jailed --> additional account set up using @gmail.com --> DVD-Key also locked --> Profiles locked --> what else?

Normally every online service in GDPR land needs an account deletion feature. Seems TDUW is not compliant. 🤣

I don't always check my TurboDuck Account. If you have Discord dm me xXBeefyDjXx#2383
We are fully GDPR compliant in the sense that should you wish to have all details removed, it can and is done when requested. 
Just because you as a user can't do it in a one click approach doesn't mean we aren't compliant. Most companies make you fill out forms to do such a thing. 

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