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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. WHHHHAAAAATTTTTTTT? Do you see what you have done Polyphony Digital?!?!??! :omg:
  2. Good video and review. Skipped through it a bit to catch the main points but it looks like 7 is not so lucky for Forza fans. Sure they can fix it but it's generally more difficult to get people back after they've been soured at the start. Should this maybe have been delayed to November with the Xbox One X?
  3. Outstanding video and images but the car list is pretty meh like you say. Don't get me wrong there is some nice stuff in there but it's very repetitive. I think this might make some wait for a reduction in price unless it comes out that there will be a good amount of free post-release content to boost the numbers.
  4. That video is a bit weird as it makes it seem that those car are IT! I do like the way they explain what makes each class and the animations that accompany it. Hopefully those sounds are from the game too as they sounded alright. :)
  5. Turn 10 Apologise For Forza 7 VIP Nonsense It hasn’t even been a week since Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition owners got their early access to the game they had eagerly been waiting for, only to discover that VIP had some changes to it compared to previous releases, and although loyal, they are not stupid, letting their disappointment and frustration be known. So much so, that Turn 10 have heard them, responded and are promising changes. In a letter posted on the official site from Studio Head, Alan Hartman titled ‘A Letter to the Forza Communty’, Hartman tells that they have heard “loud and clear” from Ultimate owners and have immediately updated the VIP description shown in the Windows Store to alleviate any further confusion. (sorry you’re too stupid to read what we meant folks??) Since Forza Motorsport 7 launched into early access last week, everyone here at Turn 10 has been keeping a close eye on our players’ feedback. The most important thing to us is to maintain open communication with the Forza Community. We’ve heard what you have had to say and, starting today, you can expect some significant changes. I demand to be treated like a VIP! Don’t worry that’s not it. As from today VIPs will start to be treated like the ‘upstanding spenders of more money’ that they are and will receive more value for their membership, beginning with the gifting of FOUR extra 'Forza Edition' cars. Going forward, we will continue to ensure that Forza Motorsport 7 VIPs receive the most value for their VIP membership, including new experiences and great content. Starting today we’re sending all Forza Motorsport 7 VIPs four additional Forza Edition cars: 2016 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 Forza Edition 2017 Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 Forza Edition 2017 Acura NSX Forza Edition 2010 Maserati Gran Turismo S Forza Edition All of these cars are 'Tier 5 Legendary' and come with their own perks. On top of this, a cool 1 million credits will be deposited into their accounts too. Bringing back and keeping the 2x credit bonus A main criticism of the changes was the consumable nature of the 2x bonus given to credits that was implemented. What this means is that the 2x multiplier could be used up after a set amount of races was completed, and in these days of targeting directly to the ‘whales’ (those who spend real money to progress/buy shiny things) this was seen as a slap in the face to those who paid for the top version, expecting at least the same perks of those that were provided before. Well that is being made good too, and will revert to the permanent classic 2x credit bonus system with a future update that is currently being worked on. Who knew that if you tried to fleece your loyal fans that it could come back to bite you? Oh wait, Turn 10 did! As the same thing kind of happened with Forza 5 back on the original launch with the Xbox One. Players told them then that misinformation and having the game gently nudge them towards microtransactions was not good and so the lesson learned back then, has been erm… learned again? Ahem, what about PC? Amazingly the PC has lots of reports of suffering the same issues that happened on the release of Forza Horizon 3. Over time they have managed to deal with a lot of those issues and the game is being enjoyed immensely by many on PC, so how on earth did Forza 7 manage to have a botched start and not the fairly smooth experience that the Playground Games title now has? Sadly, it's become all too common for this too happen and naturally Turn 10 are investigating and addressing the issues that get reported. That said, we are aware of stability and performance issues that some PC players are facing. The team is working around the clock to report, investigate, and resolve these issues as quickly as possible. In fact, our first update for the game went live yesterday, addressing several PC stability and performance issues. The quality of the PC experience will continue to be a top priority. So for now it’s just wait and see. At least they're working on it, it just means that if you are having issues then you either wait and see if your problem receives a fix, or return to sender. Nobody denies that making a game is difficult, but the same thing should not be happening that did before, especially after those issues had been (mainly) resolved. [via Forzamotorsport.net] Featured image credit: Mau92
  6. Forza can do the large amount of cars due to outsourcing I believe. With so many models being produced by many teams I imagine quality is not always going to be at the same level. It is strange how the same older models get used and not recreated or even refreshed. Every Forza that comes out has people pointing out the same issues and they just get ignored. I can understand tiny details that not many people will notice not being given much priority but those that are right in front of players' eyes? That seems crazy. Maybe they are just keeping to the whole 'ship it broken, fix it later' that is ever so popular now.
  7. Can you stop bringing Forza into everything?! They do actually talk about the single player mode from day one on most of those by the way. :p You are right that there has been many a demo that never gives a taste of the campaign but we generally hear what will be there in that respect, in the run up to release. And I am sorry but official correspondence is not saying or showing anything more than what they already have. From the official Gran Turismo site: Find it quite funny how they refer to the content of the 'campaign' as "lessons". :lol:
  8. It's not unheard of, in fact it is very common for games to show a lot of what will be available but restrict its use. :)
  9. I don't think they are allowing all of them in that are they? On the official site they have this: Content Playable (Some features will be limited) ・Sport Mode ・Campaign Mode ・Arcade Mode ・Lobby ・Scapes ・Livery Editor ・Social Features
  10. To remove the fears people have that the campaign is weak, maybe?
  11. If anything, the lacking campaign that's only been shown so far is turning people away who want that from their Gran Turismo. All that's needed to show this isn't the case is a simple in-game shot showing a 'Clubman Cup' poster or something.
  12. Keep hoping @Milli. Honestly I hope you're right and they surprise us with a full campaign and dynamic weather but I would think that with 2 weeks to go until release that someone inside the global distribution network would have got us a shot of the final box art detailing what's included by now.
  13. Yeah GT Sport is not going to be a typical Gran Turismo in the single player area at all. People are holding out that this isn't it for the campaign, as well as waiting for weather to be sprung on them, but if it hasn't been shown by now, then I think it's time to realise it ain't happening.
  14. I am kind of surprised but also happy to see this. They are either confident in the product that they believe it will allay fears, or that the brand is enough that this will hardly impact on sales. I hope to hear impressions from some of you on this, and make sure to pre-load this thing so that you are good to go on the day. :cool:
  15. Gran Turismo Sport Demo A Gran Turismo Sport demo has been confirmed in a posting on the official PlayStation EU blog by Polyphony Digital President, Kazunori Yamauchi. In true GT-style, this demo is not of the typical affair. For a start it will last for only 4 days, however it will also act as a springboard to the full game as the in-game credit earned in that time, up to a maximum of $1MM, can be transferred over. Available free from the PlayStation Store, from 0900/9AM GMT on 9th October through 1300/1PM GMT 12th October, with pre-download active 48-hours earlier, the demo is sure to provide a real good look at the main areas of the game. The game modes in the demo The start will see players given the option to experience a respectable amount of the Sport, Campaign, or Arcade modes. With Sport mode, players set out to put in the fastest lap during each qualifying session, before a race against those of similar ability and skill takes place. This is the mode that GT Sport is all about and should make for some fantastic, fair (?) and extremely competitive races for all with its clever match-making. Campaign mode may be named that but it’s taken a lot of flack for sounding and looking more like a glorified version of the older License test feature of previous games. Describing it more as a Racing School is probably more accurate as in here it is all about learning how to drive and race better. Taking on challenges, missions, and learning the circuits and their ways in the effort to make players, better drivers. The rewarding of vehicle unlocks, in-game currency, and Experience Points for the completion of the trials and 'Daily Workouts' do allow it to have some merit as a campaign, but for long-time fans and those used to a typical racing campaign, it might be sorely lacking. They haven’t forgotten all you out there who just want to jump in a car and hit a track either, as Arcade mode, the old favourite, is there. With a few button presses players can choose from a range of vehicle classes on 3 pre-selected circuit layouts with different terrains and just have fun. Whether you want to go for high-speed oval racing on Northern Isle, hone your technical skills on Dragon Trail, or drift sideways through the corners in rally, race on your own terms as you choose from multiple driving aids including braking and or steering to hone your skills. And even though it’s a feature mostly not seen these days, it is really nice to see that the classic 2-player split screen mode is still about. Enough with the racing, I want to play! In addition to all the racing, players will get to sample the 'Scapes' photo mode and the new to the series Livery Editor. The former has many fanatics of the always popular photo mode really excited, whereas the latter just has lots saying to themselves, ‘finally!’. That being said, if the creativity and quality that is found in other titles can be replicated in the editor, then we should be in for a treat at the creations that will be on display. A new Gran Turismo is always an event, but it's been tough being a fan of it as it's always seemed to go its own (strange?) way, whereas other titles have continued to do better, raising the bar in areas GT used to excel at. And over the time of it’s development we have seen and heard promising things about the improvements they have been making, but will it be enough? Well this demo will at least answer some of that, so at least players aren't having to go in blind. [via PlayStation EU blog]
  16. Happy Birthday Loz! Wishing you a great day mate. *this is how I picture you answering the phone
  17. Well that was an eventful end to the championship. Congrats to Sutton on taking the driver's title, I'm still a bit unsure how the Subaru was in regards to everyone else but cannot fault his driving ability and to have another name on the trophy is always good to see. Felt so sorry for Turkington, yeah his move on Moffat was overly strong and was not his usual style but I reckon he was going to get past the Mercedes s**ner rather than later anyway. Despite all that, Turkington winning that second race win set us up for a final race decider and if there being six points in it, the weather gods felt a little more drama was needed and so some rain was thrown down around the track to add an extra factor to it all. Then it happened, Turkington unluckily got hit in his right rear wheel resulting in a broken suspension and therefore a retirement. Setting it up nicely for Sutton to just bring it home and take it! Another great season when looked at completely. Looking forward to 2018 I just really hope they get a proper handle on parity for next year.
  18. It's got it's fair share of problems but where it matters seems to still be strong. Feedback and response on their forums and around the web indicate that people are not happy with the reduced VIP benefits, the lootbox push and the way non-assist bonuses have been taken away. Those on PC are suffering a bit with the same problems Horzion 3 did on it's release and wheel support is a bit hit and miss in places too. Other than that, things are not that bad it seems. :lol:
  19. I get the impression that the Ferrari F50 is on tour here! And that is a fantastic second shot with the 300ZX where the sunlight's bouncing off of it. :cool:
  20. When you enjoy doing something, it comes easy. :D Really nice job of capturing the car attacking the track along with the obligatory following the camera-car type shots.
  21. Tossed a coin and @RacerBest won with Heads. Congrats! :duck: Will send you a PM with the codes later today. :) UPDATE: PM sent.
  22. To celebrate Fallout's 20th birthday, the original Fallout is free on Steam for the next 24 hours or so. Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam
  23. Great stuff Loz. Never tire of seeing shots from you mate. :)
  24. Hell of a car to start with mate and that top of Eau Rouge snap is a cracker!
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