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Everything posted by tdu66

  1. I love that water drop :drool: I needed to do homework, so I searched for an excuse to postpone it ^^
  2. Wow, Kelvjy, I always pictured you differently ^^
  3. http://i584.photobucket.com/albums/ss286/KoenigseggBG/3-3.jpg Very nice:)
  4. Wow, this looks very good! + rep! I hope this will get released, and I don't see why it couldn't, it's a game of 3,5 years old!
  5. http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii107/corvette1_2008/20091108204049.jpg this is very nice! :D
  6. Got my new cam today, a Sony A200 :) ^ Eisenmann's ^
  7. Alfa, Ferrari has no soul anymore ;)
  8. Ah, thanks guys, I didn't expect this! Really, very very sweet of you! :)
  9. Yeah, the spoiler is a bit "El Cheapo", but the performance upgrade is good news, and those exhausts look like they produce some nice notes :drool:
  10. Could you make some special Vinyls? Cause now, everyone has a preconception that Tool's is better, and with this way, you can get some d.loads too;)
  11. I think he wants the downloaders to d.load this, but with your 'Stang rims :S
  12. Very nice, but "working livery's" ?
  13. http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/4535/20091104143543.jpg that interior! :drool:
  14. Looking good! What livery's are there gonna be?
  15. Nice pics! Some are still a bit dark, but the Viper ones are perfect ;) Try to make pics facing the sun with your back, instead of your front ;)
  16. :bananamad: Hedge! You naughty naughty boy!
  17. haha, this is awesome: http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj61/DanG323/TDU/20091103205855.jpg And your sig and Avatar are very very shiney! :drool:
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