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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  2. ^^ haha If it's related to GTA (I think it is) @EpsilonismToday JOIN US IN LOS SANTOS. Apply now to visit our Enlightenment Center. http://www.epsilonprogram.com #KIFFLOM) [media=twitter]328901728294535169[/media] , I believe it is a mock up of scientology cult, being in LA and all.
  3. reminds me of this petermolydeux (PeterMolydeux) on Twitter
  4. indeed cal this article makes me sad :( I believe there will never be another TDU
  5. I've finally completed my farms, feel free to use them. Couple of things though, do not kill the animals, please plant new seeds if you collect them. and do not steal from any chests --- Post Updated --- btw ryzza wtf -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  6. nice :D I miss playing that, it has been a while. I went rafting yesterday, it was mental. Not sure if it was a good day :P
  7. ahh much needed indiana jones exit, nice:D I'm thinking of building a community library once I finish building my house.
  8. well don't tell em that :cheeky:
  9. don't build on my house :hmmm: anyway :lol: do we have a community portal I can use ? I need some nether stuff :D
  10. :lol: on the left side when you open the launcher, you have to choose tekkit classic and then login.
  11. are you using tekkit launcher?
  12. finally completed the initial structure of my house, you guys should go and check it :D
  13. I have the clay, thx MrLolololXD :D
  14. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  15. thx, you can put them in my chest or anywhere you want I can pick it up. My house is next to community hotel I think. I already had a sign up on my house btw ryzza. I'll look into that tunnel today.
  16. :lol: my house was vandalized, some stuff is stolen from my chests as well. The house it self is going well, I've almost finished the basic structure. I just need some clay, does anyone have any extra ?
  17. nah mine is right across community house next to illgt3
  18. just checked out the town , it looks brilliant ! started constructing my house. a little break for now.
  19. thx, can't wait to join and build my house. I have great ideas.
  20. thanks for ruining my point ryzza :cheeky: I'm not complaining I'm just trying to clear things out. No offense to anyone really.
  21. Success in the 90s
  22. only because if I had put something like this -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- some ''lalalalalalalala'' would've said that's not a road going version of a racing car, it is just a road car. Next thing you know your pic is not in the voting once again the theme wasn't clear enough and I just wanted to make sure if it was what I was thinking of. Of course it's an instant testosterone fight, I don't mind it
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