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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. As much as I hate to agree with you, I agree. :cheeky: It's almost like Family Guy. And if you don't know what Family Guy is, congratulations and I am very jealous. :nods:
  2. There's a surprisingly large amount of 'Murican car mods on there... I never knew non-Americans liked American cars. :p
  3. A Saturn Sky with smoking tires and opposite lock?! :eek:
  4. :hmmm: Umm... Yeah... No one should take part in this week's competition. Just vote for Ryzza as he's the only entrant so we can all say goodbye to him. :nods:
  5. Oh, my mistake. I Googled again and found out that I was reading from a Bentley Continental mod. If this is the mod in question, it says the source of the model is from "3D Models", and I have no idea what that is.
  6. http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/2013-06-28_00001_zps32f4c935.jpg~original Look at the 5th name down from the top. :lol:

    1. I just Googled it and it says the original is from Forza 4. It'd be a hell of a lot easier to convert from Forza 4 to TDU rather than from GTA:SA to TDU. Hopefully a modder on here would be nice enough to do that instead.
    2. I think I played with Milli. :lol: (5th name from the top) http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/2013-06-28_00001_zps32f4c935.jpg~original
    3. Random shots: first in the editor, second in-game. :) http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/107410_screenshots_2013-06-27_00001_zps0f0d0c45.jpg~original http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/107410_screenshots_2013-06-27_00009_zps2a863130.jpg~original And the "crash-into-a-tree-and-you-get-catapulted-across-the-entire-island" glitch happened to me today. :hmmm: Car became a boat but got stuck on the shore. :lol: http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/ScoobSTi/107410_screenshots_2013-06-27_00010_zpsb25c1da9.jpg~original
    4. Glad to see this is still coming along. Can't wait for more! :)
    5. I have an app that lets me use my phone as a wheel. :lol:
    6. YOU'RE AN ADMIN ON [AW]?!?! :eek:

      1. They only mentioned the next gen consoles. :( I would buy this game in a heartbeat if it comes out on PC.
      2. Dan I didn't make that image anyways. :p And I've got nothing against Hondas.
      3. TDU2's servers aren't the best. I think it's safe to say there's nothing wrong on your side, but on Eden/Atari's side(s).
      4. :welcome: :eek: :hmmm: :nods:
      5. Because the GIF thread is alive and well and thriving in GB's of GIFs... :nods:
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