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Everything posted by Flo

  1. :holysh: I got like 4-5 badges :sohappy: :ty: I can now call myself, DUH MEMBER (still not sure if that is a good thing :lol: Now the badges, can't wait :cheeky:
  2. I hate it. Also when I pressed alt tab it would show me a regular screen with taskbar?! LOl or is that because I installed the beta on my usb? :mhmm: For real though, I can't even find out how to get a firefox bar on the "start" screen. MS needs to realise they still have PC and laptop users too instead of this stupid "tablet" based design....
  3. :holysh: How long did it take you to make those 2 shots? They are nice but yeah, maybe made a bit too fast :hmmm: I wine to much, I should start giving just "nice" comments without the crap around them too....
  4. MB, it is rumoured we might actualy be able to, was going to post some links to shot comparisons off the version available for real, but I'm on the phone so not going to do that :cheeky: But who knows, with or without spoiler, can't wait. Still, turn 10 didn't completely blow me away with a car pack yet sadly :rolleyes:
  5. The settings look awefully close to stock I think...... (That's normal on tracks like mugelo, but stil :mhmm:) Good shots nontheless!
  6. Trololol I can see you didn't quite make the drift alive in some shots :lol: Good shots though :nods: EDIT: looking at them on my pc now, they could be better, drifting is all about action, wich is something I kind of missed in these shots... I mean, a higher Shutter speed, more aperture or something, to make it feel with a bit more action :hmmm:
  7. @clarence indeed I am :nods: @prO, that was the worst attempt at bumping something evarrrr :rolleyes:
  8. :welcome: and like Tin Tin sayed, this place is mental :nods:

    1. :ym: Since it was featured most in this trailer, :nods:
    2. Last time I bumped my thread I almost got banned, not so long after It got locked and burryd for an hour ;)
    3. Forza weekend you say? I'm up for it on sunday :nods: O wait then it'll probaly be monday for you :gmc:
    4. :ym: :rofl2: I'm sorry, but verry amusing story :leaves:
    5. I absolutely :drool2: about the 850, I like the zagato, that racecar, I don't like those, but will test drive it, and all the other cars are not my taste.... :rolleyes:
    6. GOOD LORD prO :panic: this is epic, like. :boss: amazing shots :bow: I like all sets excluding the second one wich involves muscle cars, but I just don't like the cars, these shots :bow: I've seen the trailer, I hate it.
    7. Danke PolizeiYT Anouncement: I will take it slow for a couple of days, probaly until sunday I will update again, allot of people's (not here) has been asking me to (even) better then I already am, from now on it's: Quality over Quantity for me! :nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods::nods:
    8. I can't stand that car :hide: I know clarence is coming after me for that now. nice shots though.
    9. It was messed up last week, prO had some personal stuf, I made the previous thread and that got things delayed a bit, also me, prO and Hassan took 2 days to get up with a theme, but that was my bad.
    10. it's not quite posible to host 2 ''oficial'' tduck's playtime's, shortly, 11-12PM gmt is just not doablo for most on saturdays :rolleyes: feel free to hit me up whenever you see me online though :nods:
    11. I am holding my heart for the ''rumoured'' yellowbird :cry: here's some pictchas: http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/2011_Aston_Martin_Zagato_01_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1971_Ferrari_2_Automobili_312_P_02_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/2012_Ultima_GTR_02_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1969_Chevy_Nova_SS_396_02_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/2010_Renault_Clio_Cup_01_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1966_Ford_Country_Squire_01_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1995_BMW_850CSi_01_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1986_Alfa_Romeo_GTV-6_02_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/2011_Wiesmann_GT_MF5_01_WM.jpg http://download.xbox.com/content/mgs/forza/en-US/forzamain/blog/mainimage/1969_Chevy_Corvair_Monza_01_WM.jpg my opinion: 2011 Aston Martin V12 Zagato (Villa d’Este): I wish we can take the spoiler of this thing 1971 Ferrari #2 Ferrari Automobili 312 P: It's a ferrari, it's a racecar, meh. 2012 Ultima GTR: My bad I didn't know about this car, sounds promising 1969 Chevrolet Nova SS 396: I hate american muscle cars, this one is no exception 2010 Renault Clio RS: Could be fun 1966 Ford Country Squire: LOL, atleast it's another station. 1995 BMW 850CSi: It's a BMW, I love those. 1986 Alfa Romeo GTV-6: Photoshoot material :nods: Wiesmann GT MF5: lolwut? I have this one without a spoiler already shortly, I am looking forward to this pack, but, I better hope last pack from this season pass goes out with a bang. I still want my yellowbird
    12. :panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic::panic: :hi5: :spammed: also, I use spoons everyday :nods:

      1. :sohappy: I SPOTTED A BMW :sohappy: all the other cars apear crap though :(
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