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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. Congrats D, it's great to see more people getting to see all the work you've been putting into this place :)
  2. Not sure people remembering it is a good thing hun :cheeky: I'm looking forward to people seeing what all your blood, sweat, tears and irn bru has gone into for the past god knows how long :)
  3. :hmmm: The headlight/grill section reminds me of the AM Lagonda Taraf But it's a great design, sorry to hear you didn't get through :( Don't be disheartened Have they announced the winning designs? I'd be interested in seeing etc
  4. :eek: That seems to be about 10 mins away from me, right by Manchester Airport. Awful thing to see, but it shouldn't be a write off you're right.
  5. Happy Birthday Cal :birthday: Here's to another year of making questionable decisions about cars :cheeky: :birthday: here, have a photo:
  6. FLAMETHROWWAHHHHHHHHHHH Give me this film, give it me now.
  7. Seemed like a very moving service, good to see F1 come together as a community to support his family etc. The fact drivers were asked to carry his casket shows just how close he was to many of them, really sad :( RIP.
  8. Weird how the boot-lid is different than the one that you want: Do many cars have these different shapred insets for the plates for different regions that I simply haven't noticed?
  9. Spent the afternoon in Monte Carlo, had the usual level of supercar there but nothing too special, was quite disappointed at the lack of hypercar etc: The Aventador's keys were dropped on the floor by the valet right in front of the owner (russian), the owner went absolutely mental at the Valet. It was awkward, I think the owner went a bit OTT.
  10. The Tesla Model S P85D is going from Insane to like, mind-blowing ludicrously craziness :eek: It currently has 691hp when Insane mode is enabled...that'll soon be boosted to 762hp when Ludicrous mode is enabled. Bigger batteries etc. It's now 0.1 second behind an Agera R to 60, as it hits 0-60 in 2.8 seconds. :fp: They've said the Model X will hit 0-60 in 3.3 seconds. Jesus christ. I've got a bit bored of the design of the model S now though, I don't think it's going to age too well, design wise it's too forgettable, it should be more striking considering what it's packing.
  11. Didn't they say it'll take 18 months or did I make that up? Even so, it's a huge triumph for those involved, should change a fair few things we thought we knew* about pluto and its moons. *they thought they knew
  12. Yellow Limited GT 86..... RRRIIIIIIICCCCEEEEEEEEEE
  13. Oh god Lololol :eek: I dread to think how antisocial that's going to sound
  14. Is that not a 2nd gen impreza in the far right? :cheeky: And Margebadze, seriously CANNOT believe how much a small thing such as a 5% changed bumper can change the look of a car, it looks great! It sounds great too :) I don't think I'd have wanted it as loud myself but you can't deny it sounds amazing.
  15. Hey Jong! Welcome to TDUCK :hello:
  16. The Renault Laguna is no more, welcome the Talisman: I like it, it's a bit safe and conservative but considering the vehicle it's replacing it's a huge step forward. Don't think it's coming to the UK unfortunately. The front reminds me a bit of this due to the sideburns:
  17. The addition of Azerbaijan is a tough one. Yes it's a fair distance from any of the other races on the calendar in that it's a positive thing to break into new territories and new audiences....but with F1 in such a difficult place at the moment for obvious and already well-discussed reasons I think adding such a blatant oil money location to the calender adds fuel to the fire if you'll excuse the pun. Those at the very head of F1 appear to have been focusing on that dollah instead of the future of F1. Canada should be later in the season, It's always confused me as to why it's where it is, move it to nearer the US and Mexico races. Canada IS NOT in europe.
  18. Not a new vid but still :eek: :drool: I'd love them all, though the F40 and LaFerrari would be the 4th and 5th on my shopping list. With the F50, 288 and Enzo being my favs there I think.
  19. Well.... this thread goes to confirm my sentiment that you're all a bunch of tits.
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