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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Yes. All motherboards are different. Just because it works with one doesn't mean it won't cause damage to yours. Is it worth the risk? You could damage far more than just the motherboard and CPU.
  2. You can play some Live Arcade games on Win8. Highly doubt full blown games though. You'd need a very powerful PC to be able to emulate an Xbox 360 at a decent standard. Let alone a next-next-gen console.
  3. For you it's today. :mhmm:
  4. If there hasn't been a BIOS upgrade for your motherboard, then the answer is more than likely going to be a no. The difference in pins is most likely down to the different feature sets in the CPUs. If an AM3 motherboard supports AM3+ CPUs, there will be some features on the CPU that won't be enabled. Things like extra power-saving stuff.
  5. :welcome:
  6. :welcome:
  7. :welcome:
  8. A Vauxhall Corsa :fp: I doubt anyone will convert that for you.
  9. I'm getting used to it now. I like the free train game that you get. They've also added software RAID which is good for those who don't know ho to or can't set it up in their motherboard. It's so much quicker to get to the programs or menus that you want now too. Just press the Windows key and type the thing you want. Or just pin it to the taskbar or start screen like Win7.
  10. I think this one would look best. :hmmm:
  11. He should be on one of these. :lol:
  12. Ignore the video at the beginning, it's a band from the last few years. :lol: Probably not safe for work/school.
  13. :fp: No, that is the desktop in Windows 8. You can't run Windows 8 and 7 side by side like that without running a virtual machine(which you're not).
  14. Winner. :cool:
  15. Found an easier way, alt+f4 on the desktop, just like in older versions. :fp:
  16. Pshh, it's quicker to randomly click till it shutsdown.
  17. I don't mind the new start screen thing. Just click the bottom left of the screen and type the thing you want. Also, how do you turn the damn thing off without going through several menus to find the shutdown button. I have to go to the start screen, click my username, sign out, then pull the screen up, click the power button and then shutdown. So long winded and irritating.
  18. I quite like it. It'll just take a little bit of getting used to but once I know how to find everything I want and customize it I'll be fine. You installed it from your USB stick, not on it. 4GB isn't enough for Windows 8. Alt+tab switches between windows like in previous Windows. You must've had the desktop open already when you did it.
  19. :rolleyes: Like anyone could sue them for £5. This isn't America! :p
  20. Or don't spend it, then sue them when you can't spend it!
  21. I wish the ultimate edition would hurry up. :hmmm:
  22. Photoshop him into a snowman.
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