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Everything posted by Camel

  1. You have the 465s already? I would've suggested getting two 460s as they use the newer core that can overclock by over 30%, runs a lot cooler and outperforms a 480. Not that the 465s will be bad, they will be great, just quite warm. xD Keep us updated!
  2. That looks awesome, but the bushes look a bit odd to me. +rep
  3. I can see your PSN thingy. Pandorasonic505
  4. Just a reminder, the only editing allowed on the entries are contrast or saturation. Nothing else is allowed. Any entries with excessive editing will be disqualified.
  5. Ooo, they look rather tasty. I'm actually considering getting this game even though I don't know anything about it at all yet.
  6. It's pretty simple and straight forward building your own computer. And with that budget, you could get pretty much whatever you want. I'll put my suggestions/recommendations forward tomorrow if you want.
  7. Camel

    My French Tank

    Haha, that is awesome. xD But as GTA said, I'd also crash because I wasn't paying attention to the road. :lol:
  8. Yea, what he said. :p
  9. Try Overclockers.co.uk They do some decent PCs and don't charge over extortionate prices like *ahem* Alienware Dell *ahem* :cheeky: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/productlist.php?groupid=43&catid=1444 That's the gaming PC section, there are different ones in the navigation bar on the left side.
  10. And there are more people than that that need help. So many people and charities could benefit from what they see as a donation of nothing. And I bet most of them don't give a rats ass about it as long as they have a near perfect life.
  11. So what, do they expect people to play as the Japanese or Vietnamese against the Americans in Afghanistan?
  12. :welcome:
  13. Any of them, most of them seem too bright and the colours seem weird.
  14. Shurrup you. My 3 united players took me from 5th place to second with just 1 match. :) But it's only been 1 week of games iLL. :p
  15. :welcome:
  16. I agree that a lot of companies do put an emphasis on money nowadays and it's shame really. And some games don't fulfill their potential because of this but hey, it happens with just about any business. With the graphics I sorta agree with you but films are similar in a way. People just like shiny things, like me but I don't mind if the games don't look good, just as long as they play well and are enjoyable. There are quite a few new innovative ideas in games but imo most of them fail because people don't like change. Look at CoD for example, the last three CoD games have been exactly the same apart from looks, they all play exactly the same even though they are made by two different studios. If they changed how it worked and tried new things, they'd lose custom. Kinda ties in with your first point about money.
  17. If you notice, the memory controller load drops to 0% and stays there at the same time that the GPU load shoots to 100%. It could be a faulty memory controller although it only happens in TDU which is a bit odd.
  18. It looks alright to me but the game was only running for 2 minutes. The voltage does look a little bit high buy I'm not sure what the stock voltage is on the GTS 250.
  19. :welcome: to TDUCk!
  20. Would you be able to use a tool like GPU-Z to monitor the temperatures of your GPU whilst playing TDU, but exit the game after about 10 minutes before it gets a chance to crash. And if you could, tell GPU-Z to create a log file and then upload it here.
  21. Which one is it, very late or very early? xD
  22. Heyy, I actually caught the screenshot button by accident. xD And it's got to be The Queen for me. Don;t really like flight sims, they bore me after taking off.
  23. Looks a lot better than the original. :)
  24. Nice cars and nice shots. :)
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