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Everything posted by Camel

  1. :welcome::hello:
  2. No driving M3's in to peoples living rooms!
  3. :hello:
  4. :hello:
  5. Source UPDATE 24/03/10 No driving M3's in to peoples living rooms!
  6. Nope, I prefer the hatchback, especially the WRX S turbo thingy.
  7. :hello:
  8. :hello: and welcome aboard the DUCk!
  9. That is just an unpleasant thing to say to someone.

  10. Oooo, I hadn't though about trials bikes or any similar bikes. I bet they would be great fun.
  11. Hmm, maybe not the best idea to use a laptop touchpad. I only managed 5 seconds. :fp:
  12. Coming on TDU tonight then? had a laugh last night with some good badsheeplovin'.

  13. Fixed your interweb cable yet? :p

  14. :hello:
  15. I totally agree, after playing TDU again last night I noticed that are a lot of details missing, even basic details. However the game still remains quite immersive(sp? lol) but all the extra new little details coming in the next game can only make it even better. 3 years ago I wouldn't of thought this was possible. :p
  16. :hello:
  17. :hello: Hope you like it here but just stay away from Diablo, he's the forum drunk. :)
  18. :welcome: Enjoy your stay!
  19. Hey there Chika!
  20. Camel

    We'll have to go on TDU again sometime, was a good laugh

  21. Hey Diabs, up for some tdu later? It's been a while :p

  22. I fixed the video embed for you. The way to do it properly is to copy the code from the URL after the watch?v= and then paste it between the [TUBE] tags. Like this but without the !: [TUBE!]GaknYXRYuj4[/TUBE!]
  23. Strange looking is an understatement. :p I hope that all the different magazine reviews have different cars to reveal. And thanks for the translation!
  24. There hasn't been an announcement, yet... And it is on Diablos almighty to do sometime this year list. :p But you can find out more details about it here.
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