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Everything posted by Camel

  1. I have new info! You can fly to the moon on the back of a cowpig. Total nonsense but at least I just did a better job than Atari/Eden. :lol:
  2. Haha, that is so awesome XD I want it. :lol:
  3. Welcome to the forum. :)
  4. :welcome: This would be a good place to post it :)
  5. :welcome:
  6. It'll be unlimited* with a 500MB cap on it. Although when I looked at 3 the usage was 150MB then they would throttle the speed for the rest of the month.
  7. :hello:
  8. It could be worse.
  9. :welcome: to TDUCk!
  10. Stop bumping this thread and any other request threads that you may or may not have. Otherwise they will be locked. Comments alone won't make modders want to convert the car if there is even a decent model for it. Moaning about it just makes it even less likely.
  11. That'd be cool to have, especially with the amount of games Atari could supply for them. Share highscores with your mates too.
  12. Was a very difficult choice this week but in the end I went for eXodusPL.
  13. Would be helpful if you actually read the first post. Anyways, here's my list thing. 1. Ferrari 458 2. Mercedes SLS 3. Noble M600 4. Porshe 911 Turbo S 5. Audi R8 V10 6. Nissan GTR 7. Lexus LFA 8. Ariel Atom
  14. Haha, well I am right though aren't I? I was looking forward to the F1 game more than TDU2 before the delay was even announced. They could make it so much easier for themselves if they released a somewhat regular flow of news. Even if it's just a car a week or a picture or two. Instead of just saying "this is coming s**n", "we're releasing this s**n" and then doing sod all about it for months. It's just a shame, they looked like they had the marketing side nailed after the first month or two but they've reverted back to their old ways. /rant :p
  15. Maybe he/she is a girl? :p
  16. I'm not expecting to see anything for a few weeks. It'll be like last time he told us about forthcoming news, it'll be weeks late.
  17. Wow, it's been been almost 2 weeks since the delay was announced and there has still been nothing shown, no news or anything. Are they trying to lose fans or are they just stupid?
  18. I just hope there isn't a new wave of less desirables again.
  19. Haha, Ferrari bus, awesome.
  20. Do not edit other peoples mods without their permission. Link removed and... :locked:
  21. Bug eyes are so huge. xD But they are great shots.
  22. Welcome to TDUCk!
  23. On UK number plates, there needs to be a certain amount of space between numbers and letters on the number plate to make it legal.
  24. There is already a thread about it. Please look around the forum before posting a new thread. http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=21029 :locked:
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