My mums neighbors dad reversed into my car. The neighbor on the other side saw it and let me know so I went out to have a look at my car and the scumbags grandson said that it was an accident and that he didn't mean to do it which to me shows that he did hit my car.
Confront him so he goes out to look and completely denies it. His car has parking sensors you know, which obviously don't work or he just decided to ignore them as there are scratches around the grille on the bumper and also 2 perfectly symmetrical marks on my bumper where the parking sensors actually hit my car.
His scummy daughter even came out to throw in her "opinion". Apparently she knows that he didn't hit my car even though she was inside her house. Nevermind the fact that her son saw and and said in front of several people that he hit my car she still insists that we're all retards but in much worse terms.
And at that point I walked away before I laid the bloke out. That woulda looked good on me, hitting a "disabled" man.
To throw this onto the fact that I had my back window put through a few months ago whilst at my mums.
Oh yea, I also left my roof down in the work carpark and it rained a little so the inside is slightly damp. I even looked out side and noticed it raining. Took me another 15 mins to realize what the implications of rain and a roof down on my car meant. :fp: