calster, they're doing both. There are 40 staff dedicated to pC1.
There are essentially 3 options:
1. Continue supporting Project CARS 1 for 2 years.
* Don't start work on a sequel and sack 90 employees who have nothing to do.
* Make the community wait an extra 2 years for a sequel.
2. Continue support Project CARS 1 for 2 years.
* Start working on Project CARS 2 in secret.
* Invite community to join in 2 years later at Build 500 and have reduced input on the game direction.
3. Continue supporting Project CARS 1 for 2 years.
* Be open and honest with the community by announcing Project CARS 2 early.
* Allow community to play Build 001 and give feedback.
* Allow community to help shape game direction right from the start.
I hope you guys can see that option 3 is the best for everyone. Every single studio out there does much the same thing - as soon as a game launches, a large part of the team gets to work on the next project. They just don't tell you.
That said, there is no need to rush out and join and help fund pC2. If you weren't active in the first project, then honestly, don't bother. SMS have indicated that they don't need the money.
If you are interested:
* Note that there is no investment component this time.
* There are no requestable refunds.
* Sign-ups are expected to be available for 2-3 months.
* If you join as a bronze member then you should be able to upgrade your account and pay the difference after sign-ups close.
* There is an NDA on screenshots and video 'until generic cars and proper tracks are available'
* You must sign up with your real name.
* SMS will try and get alpha and beta builds (but not daily) out to console players (silver tier and higher).
The only reason WMD is back for pC2 is because SMS have openly acknowledged the benefit community members have been able to provide. They really don't want noise-makers or complainers there, so if you don't trust yourself, stay put. But don't complain 2 years later if you missed out. :)