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Everything posted by mistermojo

  1. Brave - Great movie, really loved the setting and the characters were memorable. Not your typical animated kids "adventure" film, with quite a simple premise, but that's not a bad thing. Dredd 3D - Pretty awesome film that unfortunately didn't do too well in the cinema, the slo-mo sequences were beautiful and even though the lower budget shows at times (especially given that most of the film takes place in one building) I still enjoyed it thoroughly. Urban's facial expressions provide some much-needed comedy too. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - Not got anything interesting to say about this one. I liked it though :D
  2. Happy new year everyone :D
  3. Mine's very boring, just an entry for PhOTW way back in 2008. Looks like I failed at using IMG tags too :rolleyes:
  4. So jealous :p I wanted to get Arwen's Evenstar for my girlfriend but the replicas were either out of stock or ridiculously expensive.
  5. Some gloves, a rubix cube, a new hat, some more gloves, some sketching pencils, a gift card, a load of chocolate and some money towards my PC. My girlfriend got me a Final Fantasy IX poster, a Black Mesa mug (YESSSSS), a Simon's Cat coaster and a load more chocolate. Oh and I got a bottle of ginger ale from some family friends. So a pretty random bunch of stuff this year, and I won't be short of chocolate :D
  6. Merry Christmas guys :D Or, failing that... http://i403.photobucket.com/albums/pp117/mistermojo28/5815763_700b_zps3e262967.jpg?t=1356384570
  7. Anyone else seen The Hobbit yet? I'm a massive LoTR fan so the lighter aspect of The Hobbit took a little getting used to but I really enjoyed it :D
  8. Almost finished my work for the first semester of final year at uni, learnt more in the past few weeks by talking to professionals than I did in first two years of uni so I'm fairly pleased with my work so far, better start looking for jobs soon... Plus I've already bought most of my Christmas presents and it's still miles away by my usual standards (even though I've spent twice as much as I usually would...bleh)
  9. I remember you :D welcome back! Also loving the signature.
  10. Girlfriend's had some bad news and I'm super stressed cos of uni work, shouldn't have chosen such difficult projects :(
  11. No words for how awesome this is, great job man ;)
  12. Doing some environment concept art for a games company working on a virtual reality title :D Not looking forward to final year at uni though, 12,000 word dissertation...
  13. I don't have anything recent unfortunately, can never be bothered to record anything, I tend to just make stuff up and play it on my acoustic before forgetting about it the next day :p Nonetheless, here's something some stuff I did not long after I started learning: And a fairly embarrassing Biffy Clyro cover, I'm not sure why I'm wearing a hat indoors in the middle of summer but there ya go ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9B4rw1R1eOQ
  14. For starters I want to finish uni with a solid 2:1 at least (hopefully a first); I want to improve my art so hopefully I can either freelance digital/3D art or work for a games company which is what I've been working towards so far :) Other than that, I just want a life which doesn't revolve around my career too much, move into a nice flat/house with a special someone; as long as I have enough money to live comfortably anything else is a bonus. My main goal in life is to stay happy :thumbsup: Oh, and other, not as important stuff: Become better at guitar and be in a band Get a car Travel to interesting places See at least some of my favourite bands live Lots of other stuff I can't think of right now
  15. So I thought I might aswell update this thread because I have nothing better to do and who knows, someone might be interested :p Had a bit of a problem to start with as my bank decided to lock my account because they though someone had got access to it due to me spending a fair bit of money on 3 separate websites...five phonecalls later and it was sorted. Got my first few components from Scan on thursday, the rest should be here on monday :) Boring photos of graphics card: Even more boring photos of the RAM: And the hard drive is too boring to show :p Can't wait to get it all set up :D
  16. Errmmm, yeah about that... the cheque is in the post ;)
  17. Great minds think alike :p Emailed support yesterday, apparently when Microsoft went from MSDN to their Dreamspark system some accounts didn't get re-added but I've had an account made so can save myself £80 :D I also knocked of another £20 buy buying most of the components from Scan as they have a few offers on at the moment. Total cost for the above is now £807.04, £200 less than the pre-built version; so thanks for letting me know about the MSDN thing :thumbsup:
  18. Adam's said he's fine with giving me a hand, you can come round too and we can have a PC-building party :p Also found out my uni does do MSDN, so I might be able to save £80, unfortunately I think all the accounts are disabled over summer so I can't register until I'm at uni, bit of a pain cos I want to use it now :P Current Build: Intel Core i7 3770K 3.5GHz Socket 1155 8MB Cache.. | Ebuyer.com Crucial 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600Mhz Ballistix Sport.. | Ebuyer.com XFX HD 7850 2GB DDR5 DVI HDMI Dual Mini DisplayPort.. | Ebuyer.com Seagate 1TB Barracuda 3.5 SATA-III Hard Drive.. | Ebuyer.com Samsung SH-S222AB 22x DVD RAM SATA.. | Ebuyer.com Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium w/SP1 | Ebuyer.com LG E2242C-BN LED LCD 21.5 VGA Monitor | Ebuyer.com CM Storm Enforcer Case with Coolermaster 650W GX PSU | Ebuyer.com Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H Socket 1155 VGA DVI HDMI 8 Channel.. | Ebuyer.com
  19. I'm not sure about the MSDN thing, I can't find anything about it on google apart from this, it seems Microsoft still do a similar thing but it's only for development software now. Maybe I need to contact my uni directly, unfortunately they're pretty useless so I don't expect a reply anytime soon. I've found a pretty good example of what I'm now after: Elite 3770K. With the monitor it's over £1000. I've put all the components into Ebuyer and it's come at just over £900 :D Not sure whether everything is compatible but I tried to match everything as closely as possible. Might've missed something out, would I need extra cables or anything?
  20. Didn't even know you could do that to be honest :p I'd be ok with it, I wouldn't know what to do myself but I know a few people that might be willing to help. I'm not sure how much money I'd save though, I know the parts for the first computer only come out at £30 cheaper than on the custom build website.
  21. Seeing as you guys helped out alot a couple of years ago with my laptop, hopefully I can get some opinions on here as I'm fairly out of touch with modern specs and I'm finding my laptop can't really cut it at uni as I'm having to do a fair amount of rendering and high detail 3D modelling (plus I have so many games I can't play, assuming I get time in my final year...!) So far I've found this, but I've only ever used Intel and Nvidia so I'm wary of changing (not a fanboy, just very stubborn :p) but ati/amd is looking a fair bit cheaper. Here's a slightly cheaper Intel system I found on another decent custom builds site. The only extras I need are a keyboard and monitor so we're looking at just over £900 for the Matrix desktop above, definitely not used to spending that kind of money so I don't want to go much higher if at all. Thanks in advance for any opinions/help :D
  22. Steam just started their summer sale...lots of good games on there :)
  23. Wouldn't mind getting this if I end up getting a decent desktop soon. Far Cry 2 had a fair few downsides but it was immersive as hell.
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