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Posts posted by TDUZoqqer

  1. -I am not sure if I am allowed to reply to that, if don't - admins, don't strike me, just remove the post-



    I don't know if it's possible with TDU2, but in TDU1 you could change the prices of cars. Like, buy a car for 0$, sell it for 20 million. Hex editing is a pretty much "last resort" cheating, in any possible game. Never hex code, the change of wrecking your save is too high.


  2. I got quite lost in details actually, I just wanted to get a basic idea of how everything works, but I somehow can't leave things unfinished before taking on whole new things :cheeky: The plate stuff will be totally unrelevant to most of the people playing the game, but yeah, I'm a one man army programming a game so I do stuff I have fun with first :D Don't worry, important things gonna be taken on very soon

  3. As a Forza Enthusiast and car Detail fan, I can tell that Forza never really cared about indepth Details of single cars. I know Forza 4 has 600-ish or smth cars, and I concider that in the following Point - but there was not only one vehicle Artist on the whole game but a whole Team working just on this Topic.

    My Point: often cars were treat loveless, and real Details were ignored. Often the brake light Situation was messed up - parts glowed which were not intended to be, and other way around. Front- and rear wheels were ALWAYS the same, even on cars like F50, where ingame rear wheels were identically to the front ones, eventho the rear ones had more concavity irl. Same with the Murcielagos (which personally offended me a lot tbh) and some others. The Black Series C63 had the ugly plastic front bumper plate Region, which is obvioulsy useless in a game which is absolutely non-plate relative. (other than FH3, which still doesnt Support front plates anyway). In real life you could remove it in the configuration process when buying the car, and removing it on a "used" car easily. And so on and so on. Many small Details. They've improved a lot on the next-gen FMs - for instance you can see the brake lights of the Sauber glow realistically now.


    I agree that the paddle shift Animation in FM7 Looks meh - it even looked better in TDU imo. FM7 exhaust shake Animation is a neat idea, although they've overdone it, A LLLOT.



    a lllllot





    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, the windshield reflection Looks neat when you concider the hard sunshine from above and the Driver wearing White gloves.


    All in all I can say - Forza doesn't take on on every single Detail - its almost impossible anyway concidering the tight time plan as it's an AAA title. Eventhough the car models are basically the same since FM4 (I know that, trust me), they could take on some Details theyve missed before - they even did on many cars. But still. Don't Forget that most of the People buying forza don't give a flying F about shifting animations and brake lights positions.


    Just my two Cents.

  4. I love that small build-up of smoke being produced at the top of the tyre independent to the massive trail from below.


    Thanks :) I like it too, actually. Well, I need to, as I have seen from a video how close I actually were on the M3 as it was flying by me in a drift. I just need to like it afterwards (there were like half a meter max between and the car. Well. I live dangerously.)


    Sooo I kind of started the customization menue. It are the very very basics yet, but I don't have much time to work on the project for very long right now :)


    To answer your questions right away:

    No, it's not the final environment nor lighting right now. It will be really pretty at the end.

    Yes, it's inspired by Forza

    Yes, the UI icons suck hard at the moment. I was focused on the technical aspect for first

    Yes, you see tail light tinting in the video. Yes, it will be available for front and back seperately.

    Yes, it will be controlled by input (buttons/controller) later and not by mouse (not only)

    No, you will have way more to customize than exhaust tips

    No, I don't have a life :)


    More updates to come when there are some. Critics and suggestions welcome!

  6. So basically, I cannot rip sounds that someone else made for a particular game, Assetto Corsa as an example, and convert them to another game. Does that apply if I have permission from the mod maker to use it?


    But if it's a sound that is directly from Assetto Corsa and is made by the developers of the game, then I am good?

    If you have a permission, then it's okay too


    And yes, as mentioned, you're good when it's vanilla in the outgoing game

  7. I wanted to start the customization level, but I have no clue how to do that in the practical aspect (I know how it works in theory), and I barely have time to work on the game right now, and to be honest I'm a bit done with it for the moment :) I'm gonna get back to it as soon as I have more time for it. Unfortunately I have to work alone at it, so it might take a bit from now till new updates come around :)

  8. Does UE4's physics engine supports softbodies?

    It could definitely improve physics realism (and also gives nice car damages, like BeamNG did).


    Yeah it does for sure, personally not quite in the progress and level to try it out right now, I got to be honest :) Gonna give it a try later somewhen, when I'm a bit more into the engine.


    E: UE scripters say Soft Bodies are not possible in UE. Idk. Don't need to try then. :cheeky:


    (btw imo you should reduce bloom intensity at night, or interpolate the camera exposure to avoid moon über-shininess :D)


    Ugh, yeah, post processing is still really basic and barely adjusted. Only disabled auto-exposure, as it was annoying as hell at night. Made the night brighter than the day :lol:


    Thanks for the suggestions :)

  9. On the other hand, do you plan to show what is current state about physical engine ? (dampering, jumps, collisions, weight transfer, drifting ...) Having this large, flat playground makes it difficult to watch for vehicle behaviour.


    :whistle: :run:


    Yeah, I know the Level is not the very best to show-off the physics Situation, I am about to make some roads and stuff to have at least a Basic sense of Speed in the debug. Although the main physics isn't REALLY the top notch to show-off just yet. Yes, everything works in theory, but adjustmets is the key. Springs on cars like the Murciélago are very stiff so there is not much room for playarounds actually. Speed is nice, its capable of making real-world 325 km/ph and stuff. Unfortunately the engine works only with a torque curve, which is not really accurate, in Addition to that. had to Setup 400nm of torque at 0 rp/m to make the car at least hit 100 km/h in under 20 seconds (ugh). Maximum torque Output had to be set up to 800-ish so the Transmission could work with it. So yeah, not quite a sim.. Talking about Transmission - gear ratios in UE4 are the weirdest Thing ever. I think it's somewhere like that: 1-1.8, 2-1.6, 3-1.4 etc.. So also, not really what I was aiming for. Realistic numbers made the car slow AF. But AWD differential works like it should. That's something, I guess. :lol: Gonna Show a physics demo as soon as I have a debug Level.

  10. :bump:


    I promised you a WIP video today - here it is!


    Sorry that it's so dark, Krut decied to screw up the quality.


    I didn't show some things, I realized later. Window wiper works, although it need some adjusting. Windows are about to work, but not yet. Gauge needles are obviously out of place, but they are technically working too, so it's fine for now. Also, I put some basic materials on the interior of Condo, although as you can see it's far from being done. Still requires a lot of modeling and texturing (and lighting, obviously). Camera's work "meh" too, need to fix it somewhen. Also the rear view mirrors are working, but are kinda glitchy, probably gotta hit up some guys from the Unreal Forum about it somewhen.


    Sooo, yeah. That's the progress. Working on it 5-6 hours a day, result is quite nice if you think about that I didn't know any relevant information about programming a game about two weeks ago. :)


    Let me know what you think. Criticism and suggestions welcome.

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