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Porsche 911 (996) GT1

Sound modification - version 0.2.1 released


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- New Startup

- New idle motor

- New low off and on motor

- New middle off and on motor

- New high off and on motor

- This mod support up to 8500 RPM


Original BNK:


- RUF RTurbo




- Maybe some "clac" in off sounds, but we normally don't hear this


This sound mod can be applied for 911 (996) GT1 Street version and Race version, they have the same engine and same technical motor specifications.

It can be also used for some Racing 6-flat engine because they usually have similar sounds.


I've made my sound by myself, by trying to make a sound-like of videos onlines... some of theses was changing so I've made a general sound who is well for this car (and maybe others?)


As I note, i'm a sound modder beginner, so there are maybe some bugs left, but i've made the maximum... Audacity doesn't like the sound format, because she bugs when I convert these sounds. The sound format of TDU is crap so the sound will never be in high quality

If the confirmed sound modders members would like to help by giving tips or comments, there are welcome. I can also work in cooperation. All aggressives comments and critiques will be reported to the moderator and will not be taken in consideration. Be cool and fair when you post a comment.


This is my first released sound in Test Drive Unlimited, hope you'll like it.

The download link is at the end of the topîc, the preview is just here.


[TUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/TUBE]


The sound quality of video is more bad than the sound mod...





Note: If you are not satisfied or feel the sound is not good for X reasons, do not download. I don't need comments like "Sound sucks, should be beta" because I totally don't mind this kind of comments. All agressive comments and critiques will be reported to moderator, as like the example just in up. I'm direct and clear.

If you have something to tell to me, it's only by Private Message


i don't know what the real thing sounds like but this still sounds quite good, well done :)


maybe you could put up a video of the real thing for a comparison?


Thanks, i have used wavepad for the conversion. You normally find some videos of this car on youtube, much are onboard but we heard easily the engine sounds. Thanks for comments, i'm working now on an another sound you can find in wip section. Hard to write with a portable phone lol...

  • 2 months later...

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