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Steps to take to prevent your mods from being stolen.

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Ultimately there's nothing you can do to stop a truly determined mod thief from stealing credit for a mod you made, but there's nothing stopping you from making it as difficult as you possibly can.


1. Lock the .3DG file when you export from ZModeler2. This will prevent someone from using your mod as a basis for future projects. Locked files can potentially be unlocked, but it takes someone fairly skilled to do it, and it doesn't look like the current crop of thieves has that level of skill.


2. Sign the textures you use on a section not used by the mod. Every texture has unused space, use it to identify yourself as the original modder. Unless the thief is looking for the signature, he'll leave it in there which guarantees you a way to identify the original modder. This is especially important for HUD creators, mark your textures in a way that can't be seen ingame, but CAN be found if you investigate properly, because HUDs are being stolen as well as car and bike mods.


3. Watermark your screenshots. Find someone with photoshop to make a transparent text overlay of your name across all your preview images, right over the car/bike itself. Stop the thief from using your own screenshots for his gain. In a pinch you can use Irfanview (<--Clicky) or even MS Paint to leave opaque text across the image.


4. If you use an auto-installer, leave your name in it somewhere in the install.pch file. Most of the thieves who leave the installers intact never check that file, and it's just one more way to identify that it's yours. For Sound modders, if you can hide your name somewhere in the CarVSTConfig.xmb file, do it, or if it's possible to leave a readme TXT file inside the sound BNK without corrupting it, do that, car sounds are being stolen along with all the rest.


5. Leave your own name or logo on the outside of the car mod in 3D letters. I know it's not "realistic" to do this to every car, and I know some of you don't like this when sites like HF Garage does it, but if you lock the 3DG file afterwards, it's a highly visible reminder of who the original modder is that can't be removed. Just think of it as a "Dealership Logo" that most car dealers stick on cars they sell every day. You could even leave the text/logo in body color to hide it in plain site against the car body, it would be visible from an extreme angle in a reflection, but nearly invisible when looking directly at it. You could even make it small enough to be passed over on initial inspection or hide it in a specific location that makes it nearly invisible.



5. Leave your own name or logo on the outside of the car mod in 3D letters. I know it's not "realistic" to do this to every car, and I know some of you don't like this when sites like HF Garage does it, but if you lock the 3DG file afterwards, it's a highly visible reminder of who the original modder is that can't be removed. Just think of it as a "Dealership Logo" that most car dealers stick on cars they sell every day. You could even leave the text/logo in body color to hide it in plain site against the car body, it would be visible from an extreme angle in a reflection, but nearly invisible when looking directly at it. You could even make it small enough to be passed over on initial inspection or hide it in a specific location that makes it nearly invisible.

Wouldn't it be possible to make a small registration plate 'holder' with the name at the bottom? Just like real cars where they show where the car came from, what dealer etc. Would be very subtle and would work still surely, if it's possible. Like this, look at the black border where the MTM badge is: http://fancytuning.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/mtm-vw-golf-gti-3.jpg (could not find any better examples, sorry.)


Good work btw. People really need to stop stealing mods seriously, no wonder it puts modders off.


That's definitely one way to do it, make it look like a plate holder/border, just make sure it's not a texture, make sure it's 3D. If it were just a texture, it could be deleted easily.


I was actually thinking of something like this....




Just a small "Dealership Badge" that could be hidden somewhere on the car. Just make sure it's done in 3D and not just a flat texture.


Thank youn Kurgan for this thread... I hope this helps people (me too ;) ) to stop mod stealing...


And I thought about the name outside of the car... I really like SuperVeloce's idea, and I had an idea, too... it would be possible to write the name on the undercarriage of the car in 3d letters... while driving this car, you can't see it and you don't get annoyed of it... and if you want to identify the author of the mod, you simply have to jump, like on the big hills on the golf course near the city, and take a screenshot of the undercarriage so you can see the author's name... easy but effective :)


I'll think about that in my next mod...


Greetz and thanks for this thread,



Fl0w, While placing the "emblem" on the underside of the car might work, it's still not going to prevent theft, as as far as we can see; the model of the car is just like any other. There'll be no way of identifying it unless you download and look for yourself.


Nothing is ever going to "stop" theft, but there are countermeasures you can take (How about a small logo on the passenger side of the dashboard (Similar to the Lamborghini logo on... well.. Lamborghinis) But make sure it's a 3d model, not a texture (as people can easily edit textures!)




I think it would still be best to have the name/logo on the outside of the car where it's plainly visible like the Dealership Badge or the license plate holder, that way if someone steals it, and posts it on a site or forum, everyone who downloads it will be able to plainly see that the uploader is a blatant liar and a thief without resorting to very specific circumstances (like a jumping photo opportunity).


One thing that won't stop or prevent theft but really needs to be done to ALL releases, is putting a simple multi-language Readme file in the zip or rar, and make it state that mod theft is easily traceable and won't be tolerated in all included languages. This will at least stop the download link hijacking that happens on some sites where they take your own download link and claim it as their own because the file lacks a readme.


If need be, I can make 3D Dealership badges in 3dsMax very easily, all I need is an image to go by, then those could be imported into ZModeler2 and added to a car/bike mod.


You are right Sponge, I did not thought about that... so I think I'll try the one possibility with the name on the plate holder on my next/current mod ;)


Thanks for the ideas :)


@ Kurgan: Let's hope that the multi-language readme will stop hijacking links... as all my mods got a bi-language (german + english) readme... and this russian guy stole it anyway... -.-




Wouldn't it be possible to make a small registration plate 'holder' with the name at the bottom? Just like real cars where they show where the car came from, what dealer etc. Would be very subtle and would work still surely, if it's possible.

That's exactly what I'm making on every of my latest mods:)


Of course, in 3D! ;)

First, I thought about hiding the text somewhere. But a user of the stolen version would not notice. AND thieves who are able to reopen the locked files, will find the 3D-text everwhere in the 3d-model.


So the plate-holder will be a good compromise. This little text shouldn't spoil the fun while driving.




Well 3D would work yes.


But if they can just removed locked .3dg files really your doing nothing. Soon as they get in there it would be obvious to just remove any 3D parts with your name. (if they are smart enough)



However, how many mods have been unlocked and edited? 1 So far?


I took a look at these files and you need to change 12 bytes in order

to import them.

The results becomes messy.


To be honest, I care less about mod theft.

Most of these converts are from EA, Juiced and Turn10.

So its not their models who converted them.

These models belongs to these companies.

Most of these converts are from EA, Juiced and Turn10.

So its not their models who converted them.

These models belongs to these companies.

If you're taking someone else's mod and claiming it as your own, it's THEFT, plain and simple, even if it's just a conversion from another game.


If you want to claim a conversion as your own, CONVERT IT YOURSELF.

If you're taking someone else's mod and claiming it as your own, it's THEFT, plain and simple, even if it's just a conversion from another game.


If you want to claim a conversion as your own, CONVERT IT YOURSELF.


Sure I could convert it myself. No need for big font, pal. My LP640 Roadster was stolen once back in the days. But was for SA and SA DFF are easy to unlock. And now, TDU might be an advanced game with these shaders and all, but the files are vulnerable. Like I said, 12 bytes are more than enough to remove the lock.

  • 2 months later...
Guest Aussie.Guy

I find this thread ironic.


taking models from other games doesn't give you the right to call it yours, it is actually theft in itself. this is like stealing a car then claiming it yours.


secondly why would you want to protect something that is public domain?


nothing on the net cant be stolen.


putting your name on something in the pch file can be easily hexed out.



microsoft and other huge companies spent billions to protect something that can never be done - this is the magic of internet where billions of people share ideas.


why do you think they are so many hackers from russia and china?


reminds me of tool831 putting password on his rar file then giving out the password very ironic and a huge waste of downloaders time most of all an insult to people's intelligence.

I find this thread ironic.


taking models from other games doesn't give you the right to call it yours, it is actually theft in itself. this is like stealing a car then claiming it yours.


secondly why would you want to protect something that is public domain?

Perhaps it would be better if you read back through the topic and figured out WHY mods need to be protected.


Why should some Russian thief get credit for something they didn't do???


To me, anybody that's against protecting mods is just as bad as the thieves themselves.

taking models from other games doesn't give you the right to call it yours, it is actually theft in itself. this is like stealing a car then claiming it yours.



So true! :thumbsup:



Better way to protect your work is to not upload it :bunny:

Guest Sgt.Kanyo

This is a bit useless. Every1 can open up zmodeler and make a nice little texture edit to the car and it even looks retarded that you leave your name on a car.

My suggestion either write your name inside the car where no1 can see (for example under the engine) and if you think some1 stole your mod, all you have to do is open it up with zmodeler and check if your name is there. No1 gets irritated from your name (cuz I find it really retarded that some1 write's his own user name on the car) and your car is still "protected".


As for conversions, I think it's ok to use car models made by other people for your own mods, however if you put the model up for sale, or claim that you made it yourself, then you shall be shot in the head :D


If you put a hidden name somewhere it's basically a waste of polys. No one can see it, and therefore, no one will be able to find out whether the mod is stolen or not.


HFGarage do an epic job of what we're trying to say. Yes, it looks unrealistic, but at least it's not over the top.


Actually what HF Garage did with the 3D lettering was extremely realistic, especially for USA car buyers.


Whenever you buy a car in the USA, especially if you finance the car, the dealer puts their logo on the car, usually in chrome on the back bumper, so other drivers can see where the car came from.


That's why I suggested doing the same thing, or using 3D lettering on a license plate bracket.


If the lettering is in 3D polygons, and it's NOT textured, and the BNK file is locked, then all the casual thieves are blocked. It would take an experienced hacker to get the file unlocked, and to get the lettering deleted.


The experienced ones obviously can't be stopped, but the majority of mod thieves out there are simply not that experienced when they're using pics with the original modder's names in the pic, leaving the core files of the installers untouched and unedited, and in many cases, leaving the name of the archive untouched which sometimes has the modder's name in the filename. Half the time they don't even delete the original ReadMe files, and in many cases they just hijack the original download link.


The whole point of trying to protect a mod is to keep the casual little kids from taking your mod and reposting it on another site under their name.


If you don't feel like protecting your mod, fine, so be it. But then you have no reason to complain when your mods get posted elsewhere, or worse, when someone tries to come back here and post it because they found it on a Russian site.


Oh and just an FYI guys, it's more than just car mods being stolen, it's everything from modding tools, to car mods, to reflection mods, to seasonal mods like the fall and winter mods. It's ALL being stolen and reposted on Russian sites without permission with the original readme files either removed, or the original author of the mods edited out.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest April Swift

This is really silly.


If you put your name hidden somewhere then a theif comes along and hide his name some where else with a date on it that says he has been here before yours then who is the thief?


Firstly don't steal models from other games and putting a claim as yours by hiding your name. If you do someone else will come along and put their name on it too then how do you prove who did what first?


LoL. Nice idea yeah? But for your info just go check torrent sites see how many stolen programs there are that can never be protected. Those companies combined spent trillions of dollars. Just a waste of time. Have you guys heard of photoshop? heard of overlay? hummm you feel me?


If they happen to find your name and make a new overlay on top of yours then you are screwed. This is a waste of time.


You Feel Me?

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