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TDU2's First 10 Minutes of Hell


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I think its a pity that a game so ambitious, so big and so full of possibilities is just turned to waste because of a mode that just needs a bunch of guys with low self esteem trying to prove themselves by achieving greatness at videogames.


Now I think that you're being a bit unfair here mate. As far as TDU is concerned personally it took me around 3-4 weeks (and maybe a bit more) to complete all the single player races and missions. I do believe that TDU has a good balance of single player and multiplayer elements without compromising quality for both modes.


I don't really care for the multiplayer mode, nor for self boasting nor for socializing. If I want to prove that I'm a good driver, I should book a session in my local race track and burn some real rubber and feel some actual g's! As for socializing, I much prefer dating a girl and going out and having fun with her :) or with my real friends, than sitting in front of my pc, winning or losing virtual races. But that's just me I reckon. Still I found the single player experience in TDU being a rewarding one and very good value for money, far from being turned to waste as you say.

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Yeah, I really liked the single player in TDU, and it was a really refreshing game compared to all other closed track racing games. But I have feeling there is not so much single player in TDU2. Which is cool for most players who enjoy driving online, but bad for those who enjoy the old single player experience. That whole thing about club exclusive cars just makes me puke, specially since the car list is not that big, and plus about 10 cars of the final car list are pre-order specials, I think those cars shouldn't even be there but thats not important. I feel sad, for example, as an architecture fan, that games like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, design maps like Pienza and Mont Saint Michel just for multiplayer. A mode where you can't even get the most out of the surroundings. Personaly I wouldn't sacrifice a rewarding and immersive single player experience like for example Fallout New Vegas for a any game's multiplayer mode. But I guess that is just me.

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Personaly I wouldn't sacrifice a rewarding and immersive single player experience like for example Fallout New Vegas for a any game's multiplayer mode. But I guess that is just me.


Ah! Now you're talking! I guess I'll go a bit off topic but it'll be quick: Yes Fallout 3 and 3.5 (=New Vegas) were majestic games! Truth is software companies want to make money, and how do they do that? People want multiplayer games, let's give them multiplayer games. Even the majority of the people in here like TDU because it is (also) a multiplayer platform. Unfortunately software companies won't listen to you or me that value the single player element higher. Then again we'll have to wait until TDU gets released before jumping into any conclusions and condemning the effort.


As for the club cars... well well they are only repaints! Who cares about repaints anyway :) And if you do care, well the web's a big place, you'll be able to find the elements you miss one way or the other.


Off topic: Ever played any title from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series? Much like Fallout 3 only in a Soviet setting.. Gorgeous stuff:thumbsup:

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Forget all that ego stuff, I'm rarely better than most of the people I meet online, I always seem to meet the players who can get everything perfect.


One of the main reasons I'm getting TDU2 is so I cruise around at my own leisure with a few of my TDU1 buddies in our stickered up Veyrons and Zondas, and to hell with the driving physics, we can drive at full speed or at sign-posted speed limits. (And like people have been saying in other threads, we'll soon adapt to the driving style and start learning how to use it properly!)


Yes it's about the social side, but IMO it's about the social side where you just chat and generally have a laugh with your mates. It's not always about boasting to other people how much you win by (though it's funny to point and laugh when someone drops off the road occasionally :))


Some of you need to join in on the cruises me and my fellas used to do a little while back, they were what TDU was really about, ask people like Leadfoot and Ryzza ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

TDU2 Final Version Major Concerns


I have played TDU2 for a couple of days now and I can say that, like the first one, its a tough love. You will have to play it for like 10 or 15 hours to start liking it. The first impressions will likely be "I wanna sell this game!". I had that thought too, and I still have some of it, not because of what they didn't add, but because of what they removed. However I won't bother explaining that every fan will L-O-V-E this game, after all its TDU!:D


So here is a list of problems that I found with the final version:




-The frame rate is actually terrible, you can get used to it after a few hours but even then, when you take a tight turn with a car (specially cars that lose traction) you will see the frame rate dropping so low, that you will crash into the nearest wall or tree, because its impossible to drive.




-One of the things that really bothered me is the complete lack of driving/controls/effect options in this game. TDU1 had plenty of options, more than most driving games so it would be to expect, that TDU2 would at least have kept the TDU1 options. No, it didn't! There is no Seat Position, no Shake Camera or Blur Effect, no Editable Controls, no Chronopack, no Playlist Creator, no (at least functioning) steering sensivity control for the pad, absolutely no driving options like braking assist, traction control, stability help, nothing. Plus, people who drive with steering wheels will have massive difficulties driving, I played with my steering wheel for 10 minutes and came back to the pad, cause its close to impossible to drive with a steering wheel.




-While the sounds aren't bad, you will notice that the engine and ambient sounds are incredibly muted. I had to lower the voices and music sounds to almost nothing, so that by increasing the master volume in my TV, I could at least HEAR the car I was driving. Besides, the sound effects are very cheap. I can't miss the opportunity to say that TDU2 has probably the only proper Wind Sound around, but... The sound isn't gradual, so you will hear the same sound effects at every speed. Plus you will hear the EXACT same sound when passing a stop sign at 60mph and passing an oncoming truck at 150mph. Plus there is only a slight, slight difference between having your windows up or down. So it wouldn't be much of a big work to edit some of the sounds and add some new ones.




-This is the area that annoys me the most. The sense of speed is A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y messed up. First of all, the car just plain doesn't SHAKE. Be it driving on an asphalt or driving offroad with a McLaren at 200mph, there is absolutely no shaking/trembling. This is annoying because TDU1 even let you "calibrate" how much shaking you want. But the thing that really TOPS eveything else, is the fact that you just can't feel Acceleration. Yeah, its sad, it ruined my evening but its true. I recall that in TDU1 (specially when looking sideways) you could feel the car being pushed forward when you accelerated. Well, in TDU2, accelerating or not accelerating is the same thing. You can't feel the car being pushed forward (even in 1st gear) there is no camera effect, no nothing. The only thing you can feel with the acceleration is your index finger pressing on the R2 button...



You could add the fact that there is a massive delay in changing gears, that all cars have clutch problems, that indicators shouldn't even be an option since most people drive in cockpit view, that during massive thunders you only see a drop or two in your windshield, that there is a massive popping problem with lights during night time. But I think those above are the most important, at least for me. Plus the game is so big and beautiful that you can excuse a thing or two.


The reason why those above are the most important, is that TDU1 had most of those things. And I can excuse the indicators, the windshield wipers, the poor offroad physics, but what can't be excused is the fact that a game that was released 5 years ago actually has better frame rate, better sense of speed and more options.


(P.S.) This is a word from an old TDU fan to all of you. Its not until you discover all dealerships and look at the map that you feel that the lack of Lamborghini and Maserati really hurt. I always couldn't help but feeling that something is missing from that dealership list whenever I looked at the map. I think that Lamborghini and Maserati fans will feel some tears coming out of their eyes once they feel the lack of those italian beasts.:sulk:

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Do you have to start new threads every time you find something you don't like about the game? Most of us have known about these problems for months now. Eden say they are devoted to this game and the community, so we will see if they address our concerns. Those concerns need to be posted on the relevant TDU2.com forums so that the developers see it, as they don't frequent these forums.

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Do you have to start new threads every time you find something you don't like about the game? Most of us have known about these problems for months now. Eden say they are devoted to this game and the community, so we will see if they address our concerns. Those concerns need to be posted on the relevant TDU2.com forums so that the developers see it, as they don't frequent these forums.


Which forums? I was banned from the official TDU forum. Because that thing is like the Soviet Union. If you say anything that is an idea or a complain you get perm ban. They don't let you discuss anything, they censored ALL my posts. They even removed words and full sentences from posts. If that is the only place I can get the developers to see my complains then I don't know why I even wasted money on the game because they just DON'T LET YOU COMPLAIN. If you say things like "there is no lambo" or "I'd like tow trucks in the game", its alright. But if you try to make an objective comment about real game issues, you get B-A-N-N-E-D. That is why I am in this forum now, I have a terrible reputation but at least people are mostly nice and the forum rules are much better.


So, I am completely sorry about posting that thread but its not my fault that ATARI doesn't want real issues to be discussed. I only post that here because this forum seems much more "hardcore". The official forum was all about ridiculous posts and newbies asking why the game doesn't have private jets and boat races. I just think that if EDEN wants to read what the real fans want to be added or fixed, this is the right forum.

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I get your point, but just keep in mind this community wants members, not complainers. I've discussed my views on the handling and missing features I'd like to see without incident. You wouldn't join a certain car forum just to complain at how much you don't like the cars - the members there (usually of older age) would tell you to go away. It's a bit similar here. We're all fans of the game and know plenty about it, the good and the bad, but having people who only bring up the bad time and time again gets a bit annoying, and makes you wonder why they hang around at all (I already know there are few games similar to TDU).


If you want my advice, just be like any other crazy member here. Post in all the other current threads that don't necessarily relate to TDU2 feature - put up a photo album, organise cruises, join in the competitions, that sort of thing. That way only 5% of your posts are complaints or wishlists instead of 90% ;)

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Unless you're a big fan or a staff member of a TDU forum, you might decide to try and get the game cheap (compared to EB Games) by looking on Steam or perhaps even Ebay, otherwise if you're on a limited budget and prefer more sim-ish racing titles, you might wait for Shift 2 Unleashed which is supposed to be pretty good.


From what I can tell, TDU2 is a great game that wasn't greatly executed... yet.

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Guest Sgt.Kanyo

I think the problem is, they turned our perfect driving simulator (tdu) into Sims... They were focusing on making casinos with all the retarded stuff, while this game was all about driving. Now we have cars that drives like they are on the moon... upside down... exploded, well I hope you get my point and as a lots of people mentioned car sounds rubbish.


If they were trying to go for arcade physics instead of realistic, than make something, that you can have fun with. For example I bet Hot Pursuit 2010 has better physics then TDU2. Sure... you can do a drift at 250 Km/h, but it's an arcade game and it is actually fun (even for me) to drive those cars.


And 1 more thing, to all those who cannot stop saying this is a great game, imagine if it was called NFS instead of TDU. I bet a lot of you would be like, "omg what a crappy game"

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Back on topic, does anyone think the game's even worth buying? I'm not sure whether to get it at release on Thursday or not, but my thoughts tend to the latter...


You have to decide that for yourself and yourself alone, it's your money, your time, and your enjoyment. If I had any doubt I wasn't going to enjoy the game, I wouldn't even risk buying it, but that's just me. I rarely take chances on games as I find myself very hard to please game-wise. I bought JustCause2 the other day, that game is totally not what I usually go after, but it's actually immense! I fear that when TDU2 comes through the door, I'll play it for half an hour, probably hate the physics and go back to JC2.


Before anyone says it's ironic I would ditch TDU2 cos of the physics to play a game that has very very arcadey physics, there is a good reason. JC2 is an over the top crazy game, where as TDU2 is trying to immerse you in a "real world", where you are some sort of multi-millionaire car collector. ;p


Watch some videos and read some non-biased reports. (Atleast try and take the bias out yourself :))

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And 1 more thing, to all those who cannot stop saying this is a great game, imagine if it was called NFS instead of TDU. I bet a lot of you would be like, "omg what a crappy game"


That is so true!


It's a simple thing though, fans will always support what they are a fan of, even if it's a bit crap.


Fans with always find the good within the bad. End of.

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@Ryzza5, it so happens that I'm both of those things... :P But yeah, I'm inclined to wait until Easter sales or something. I can get it online from Game for $60, though, so I'm considering that, too.


Yeah, I'm not really a racing fan as such - I just want a realistic open world and realistic driving physics. I've always hated the NFS series, so I have a feeling I won't be liking TDU2 that much, either. Unless they add a hardcore mode or something, I'm sure I'll be constantly thinking of how Eden have totally wasted a perfect opportunity to make a perfect game whenever I'm playing it. :(

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Back on topic, does anyone think the game's even worth buying? I'm not sure whether to get it at release on Thursday or not, but my thoughts tend to the latter...


Here's my 2 cents, it's as honest as I can be.


After playing it, this is how I would sum up TDU2:


-Take TDU1, remove what made it good (hardcore mode and decent car list)

-Then add all the things that should have been in TDU1 (weather conditions, day/night, moving parts, slightly more detailed tuning options, offroad)


*shake* & voila, TDU2.


The sense of déjà-vu after 15 hours of playing it is quite strong. It really feels like TDU1 in many good ways (environments, map, car dealers etc) but this "déjà-vu" also includes the bad aspects which were already annoying 5 years ago, 2 examples:


-The sounds suck, I don't understand how you can have licensed cars and make them sound this bad. I was looking forward to test drive the 430 Scuderia just to find out it sounds like a riced prius. Great job guys.

-The LCD displays in some cars are STILL NOT working (i.e. current gear etc). I mean...really? Is it that hard to make this happen? These are the little things that make a game that little much better. Oh, and you got rain, but no windshield wipers. This makes just no sense.


The problem to me is, that this game has an obvious giant potential but it is fundamentaly flawed by being too much like the first game where it should not. There's nothing that really makes it worth getting imo, unless your a face surgery fan or like to put bad looking stickers on your car. Or, unless you don't care about the above and have a bunch of friends that will get it. Then yeah, it's likely that you'll spend some good times with it.


There's no doubt that the MMOR aspect of the game will probably save it from compete failure, and this is not a good thing.



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...our perfect driving simulator (tdu) into Sims... They were focusing on making casinos with all the retarded stuff, while this game was all about driving.




TDU was never "all about driving", it was about the lifestyle. I think they wanted to include all this stuff into the first part but they couldn't so they put that stuff onto the sequel when the technology had evolved enough. TDU1 does have this avatar stuff, clothing and buying houses. This time they just took it further. If this stuff would have been in the first part, wouldn't you have enjoyed it?


Actually, after reading your retarded post, I think you wouldn't

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The level of attention paid to the islands shows too, Ibiza is very immersive and the array of different environmental objects and shrubbery make it a very pleasant place to be.


Then you land in Oahu and it is obvious from the start that this is the refurbished island, it's as before only with off road tracks, a few new roads, lots more trees and several notches up on the saturation dial. You spend too long on Oahu compared to Ibiza imo.

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Wtf.. I thought Ibiza was the main island, as in you would spend MOST of your playtime there?


Tbh after seeing some videos of Oahu, I wish they left it out and used that disc space to put all the things from TDU1 back in.


The roads on Oahu still are annoying, cos they have that huge hard shoulder, on mountain roads?!


Btw, are the dealerships etc in the same sort of places? Like the houses and clothes shops too, same locations as "old" Oahu? Just wondered that for a while now:P

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