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Haha thanks. Has anybody had any trouble with Electrostatic Discharge (I hardly know a thing about it) when putting everything together?


I'm kinda worried that I may mess up something lol. :confused:


All you have to do is make sure you touch bare metal before building your computer. To be on the safe side, don't be in a room with a carpeted floor. The static electricity may build up in you and you may accidentally discharge the static into the part you're holding. ;) I built my computer without the wrist strap and I was fine.


You can't just touch any metal because if it's not grounded then you won't be.


I use my PSU to do it but it needs to be plugged in when you touch it. Metal toasters, some radiators etc can be used.

I plan on building it in my room which is carpet. I assume the computer case is good enough to touch before insertion? :lol:


Yep that should do the trick! You may want to do it in another room just to be on the safe side as this is your first computer build...


I was thinking of doing it in the garage on the concrete floor. Plenty of metal surfaces to touch.. (vehicle)


Maybe I'm worrying too much about this.


EDIT: One thing I'd like to know though is, this mobo has 4 memory slots. If I am going with 2 sticks @ 2GB each, is there an optimal place to put them?


The manual that comes with the motherboard will tell you. But the RAM slots usually come in two different colours. Make sure both sticks are in slot that are the same colour.


I'm going to buy a case this week. I'm looking at several here..




Ultra Gladiator (really good deal on this one)


Thermaltake Armor + (really interested in this one)


  • 230mm side fan, 120mm back fan, 120mm fan in front


I'll probably add more as I go but these are the ones I have..


When buying a case, is there anything I need to know or anything that is recommended? I assume most cases come with a fan or two (thermaltake does) but do I need to buy an extra fans with my current setup?


  • i5 2500k
  • HD6850


Antec 900/1200 are both really good. Plenty of space inside, look good and also really good airflow in them.


And most cases come with fans included and already installed where they should be so you shouldn't need to worry about buying new fans. Just make sure it's an ATX/e-ATX case and you should be fine.


Usually having one fan in the back of the computer blowing hot air out and one near the front blowing cool air in should be enough. I don't think you'll need a super-expensive case but if that's what you want go for it! :p


Just for an idea of how air should flow through your case:






Almost all cases have a fan towards the top of the back panel of the case to push hot air out. ;)


Just throwing something else in here.


Consider getting an SSD for your OS and main programs. It will make your computer a lot more responsive, reduce boot times and program load times to nearly nothing.


60GB is more than enough for Windows 7 and programs.


^Offtopic but why does killalldude's post have scrollbars?


There's a new wave of SSDs that are stuck onto a PCIe card which means faster speeds apparantly. I'm avoiding moving to SSDs because 1. I cbb reinstalling stuff and 2. Because the technology is still immproving quickly.



Scrollbars gone after replying :hmmm:

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